Erik Sofge

It’s not a very good product with unique titles though. And have you forgotten the shit they tried to pull at launch, but were quickly forced to change? It’s also probably the weakest option out of PS4 and PC.

Waaaaa people don't follow the meta I have in my head that should happen. Waaaaa. The thing about it is these guys are usually a bit younger. If this kid knew how easy his life was to be able to make tons of money playing professionally and streaming he wouldn't be whining.

This is me right now for real. When he did the hula I started having feelings I can’t explain. Except to say they were very sexual. It’s like he’s especially hot when doing the less masculine dance moves? I don’t know. I can’t handle it. Send halp.

Y’know, when I see stills of Channing Tatum, he doesn’t do much for me. He’s very cute but so dopey looking.

Are we pretending Rocky Balboa wasn’t pretty good now? I mean, it’s not great, but it’s pretty good for the 5th movie in a series.

*climbs stepladder*

4) Civil engineering fire safety marshals whose Google search has gone astray.

You left out 4): People who think that ‘professional’ gaming is a joke, & enjoy laughing at the grade-school drama, & the dweebs who take it oh-so seriously.

There are more words in this article than words that have been written about the NHL on deadspin this season....

4) Those of us who don’t play LoL, don’t really care about it, but wanna see what went down to cause a story to get posted in the first place.

I’m finally glad we have a sport where a “pro” player ends every statement with LMAO.

Gamers expect people to treat their games on ESPN and similar channels seriously, but then turn around and make comments like these on this article. Hehe. How can people who don’t play games care if gamers themselves make fun of professional gaming, too?