Erik Sofge

Good point about the Bachelor's version of the 1000-yard stare. I honestly think everyone on the show is contractually obligated to end all conversations with Chris, or to punctuate any major emotional crest, with a pivot towards the nearest vista.

If Rousey is in there, they better step up their grotesque armbar graphics. She's practically a Mortal Kombat character.

Warface would be a much better name if it was always presented as

Dynamite hed (or whatever you guys call in-graphic display copy)!

"Not all of them." What are you referring to, there? I said that "most" of those exchanges and moments are tamped down. It's one of the first things actors learn regarding film work—pull it back. The camera picks up the tiniest shifts in expression, especially in the modern era, when extreme closeups are the rule.

I still don't think you get what theatrical acting means. It's not about the pacing of the dialogue, or the specific verbiage. It's about PROJECTING! and gesticulating and generally broadcasting your performance, in a way that usually looks and sounds ridiculous in a tight on-camera closeup. If Ian McKellen and

WTF! No effing way is a vibranium shield (that phases into your back) regulation! So unrealistic.

Don't look now, but the entire city of Las Vegas is outside, waiting to smash your hands with a hammer.

Somewhat off-topic, but does anyone ever see Roker's face on his or her TV and think, " Oh good, this guy is on my TV now!" His humor is vaudeville by way of Comic-Con, and his jovial reg'lar dude shtick gets trashed constantly by his ragey outbursts. Plus, as Gawker detailed, he's quite the prickly pear on Twitter.

Wow. I want Heat-based levels, and I want them now.

I wish I'd been drinking something. The spit-take would have been worth it.

The show is produced by Steven Spielberg, and that's about all we know so far. But: so far, so good, right?

Definitely not. Just saying that, for a certain kind of addictive gamer, like myself, a lunk-headed, money-grubbing F2P mechanic, like those timers, can sometimes be a good thing. It's the barkeep cutting me off.

I hate that he's not the leading man in everything.

Agreed. Your pick features a heady mix of suspense and comic timing.

I could watch those all day. This one seems like the winner, though:

This is a great piece. I feel like you captured what I love about Halo. Even if the story is sort of a convoluted mess, the pacing and music and cinematography make you feel like a cybernetic Achilles (before he turned into an awful rage-monster). However, I don't think a lot of games really attempt to pull off the

That's a great idea. Sort of like Sucker Punch, only not horrendously stupid. It could be really powerful, if handled right.

That's very smart, to scale down, instead of just withholding. I was imagining that singe shootout happening at the end of the game, and being so scary (realistic darkness and muzzle-flash night-blindness, painfully long reload times, your hearing getting worse with each round fired, etc.) that you're almost relieved

I think those games exist, to a very, very small degree, they're just inherently less visible, and less buzzy. Unmanned, for example, was a real gut-punch, for me. I'm not coming up with other examples, though. It's really pretty rare, since the more mesmerizing, soul-wrenching qualities of mundane life aren't all