That's fascinating. Thanks!
That's fascinating. Thanks!
Cultural relativism, along with sucking the air out of a discussion, is silly. Underage porn is creepy to me. Who cares about the median age of consent across the entire span of history? If you start down that road, every conversation in which anything might be considered alarming grinds to a halt.
Who am I, Thanos? I'm expressing an opinion, stating my case, not issuing a ban across the multiverse.
College freshman "everything is relative" arguments aside, way to defend porn featuring 15-year-olds from behind a burner.
One thing to consider is how young most gaming sites and forums inherently skew, because they're about gaming. Not that crusty graybeards like myself aren't there, as well, but the kiddies have a tendency to screw up all manner of conversations. Because when you're young, apparently, racism and sexism aren't real, or…
These videos are excruciating. Such a deeply flawed, ripe-for-dissection movie, and these yutzes are still nitpicking about shot continuity, random stuff in frame, and out-of-context dialogue quibbles.
Really? So is creepy, under-18 schoolgirl porn illegal in those prefectures?
How bad would a joke have to be, for Leno to deep-six it?
Everyone else gives this baby a giant bucket of balls to work with.
Luckiest celebrity tour ever, you mean.
Incredible! Some of those moments are too perfect. Like Christopher Guest perfect.
Did that bird just dump a giant load of blood on the first guy's face?
So you've satisfied yourself with a snippy response of your own invention? Congratulations!
If Arkham were real, it'd be the laughingstock of the entire world, and surrounded at all times by news crews waiting to interview whoever happens to be waltzing out of it.
Great news. However: did you notice that I was responding to a post featuring a music video?
Seraphna said it better than I could hope to. But think about it, a code of honor, however unwieldy or uncomfortable, shouldn't collapse because of exceptions or special conditions. Exceptions might test it, but exceptions are why that code exists.
So well said. Can I be the Robin to your Batman?
I had the same reaction: So Pa Kent obviously just killed a researcher? Or, who knows, an entire lab full of them? Sheesh.
There are so many other superheroes who casually, constantly kill. You have tons of options, when it comes to that worldview. There's no reason to blithely dismiss the premise of both Batman and Superman. If they don't take a stand against killing, both characters completely fall apart, and become one-page "What If"…
Great point. Rockstar's counter, I imagine, is that despite all the cartoony/cinematic stuff, they want to maintain an atmosphere of gritty, hard-boiled realism. And most real "crews" don't include women.