And let's not forget that with HDMI cables, you should always just buy the cheapest one. It's a digital signal, so it has two states: working and not working. There's no such thing as a "better picture" from gold plating or anything like that.
And let's not forget that with HDMI cables, you should always just buy the cheapest one. It's a digital signal, so it has two states: working and not working. There's no such thing as a "better picture" from gold plating or anything like that.
The report also found that while Amazon tends to discount popular items, they gouge shoppers on add-ons you may buy at the same time, like HDMI cables for your new HDTV. You can often get a better price elsewhere by doing some quick comparison shopping.
Psychological studies of those who build wealth vs. those who stay in debt/poor their entire lives show a remarkable difference in outlook on fate. Those who were never able to build wealth seemed to blame fate:
Why would plywood be any more durable than OSB for your roof?
If you've got a lot of carpet to pull up, there are special blades for the job that have a hook on the end that'll do all of this for you. They aren't any more expensive than regular utility blades and they'll make your job much easier.
Now all we need is a waterproof VR headset, so you can lie in the bath tub, slowly lean backwards, and feel the water covering your face as you're experiencing this :D
So depriving the Presbyterian Church of community property it owned is a fair and just way to deal with the fact that another party harmed their kid? See, shit like this is what's wrong with America.
I prefer the KJV. "Whited sepulchre" has a little more bite than "whitewashed tomb":
This seems apt:
My family is presbyterian, and the church we attended used to own a few properties out in the boonies which they used for church retreats and the such. Now the presbytery set up a deal with the archdiocese where they let catholic church groups use the properties for their retreats as well, and long story short, a…
I personally would go a little bigger for a do-it-all hammer but that is a personal preference on my part. 10-12 oz doesn't do much for demo and requires a lot of work to drive an 8d or 16d nail in (imo) compared to something a little heavier. The downside is that a heavy hammer can ruin those little picture nails…
Nope, you're confusing that with heaven.
I'm sorry, "high tail it to the floor to vote?"
I thought bed rest meant playing video games from the recliner all morning until you were tired. Then napping. Eating a snack and start watching a movie. More napping. Eating some crackers and soup. Then going to bed for the night.
When you're in session, Congress essentially has to stay on the hill. They can't leave because at any moment they have to high tail it to the floor to vote.
Now to get a job that allows 6 weeks off for bed rest. Hmm maybe I should run for Congress.
Just in case people weren't aware. The stump is the tree's revenge.
I hope they do, but I have zero trust for them. Microsoft in the past has wen out of their way to screw it's customers which is why you see businesses still running windows XP and windows 7.
I've been using Windows 10 on my primary machine since the beta dropped and, frankly, I'm already loving it. The changes Microsoft announced look like fine additions, so I think it's reasonable to be a little hopeful about the future!
Bets that Windows 10 is a subscription model. after the first year, pony up to keep it working.