
The problem with this concept is that you still have to touch the tool. There is no way to avoid touching things in order to function in life and the world.

The problem with this concept is that you still have to touch the tool. There is no way to avoid touching things in

Stop busing people to other cities and states.

You have the rewriting of history backwards. New history books do not match up with the older history books. To say that today’s authors know better than the ones of the day the events took place is real rewriting of history.

As the parent of that child, I am the first and foremost teacher. I am responsible for the upbringing of my child. The teachers in the schools are there to help teach my child reading, writing & arithmetic. When those bounds started to be breached is when our school system started breaking down. Ever wonder why

Why should the government have any say as to what coverage I elect to have? That is what these plans do. You look at the plan options and decide what is suitable for you. No different than electing full coverage over liability only on your car.

Exactly. Lets find out what kind of seed these are. Any disease? Etc...

Stulgs presented an actual study, you name call and claim conflicting studies. Where is the study to back up your claim?

So, you’re saying that over a thousand Dr’s on the front line, actually treating patients are wrong?, Thatexperts” in often unrelated specialties and even academics are right and know better? That is the same as management coming to you, the floor worker, and telling you to do your job differently because the board

But you skipped the most logical place. Your bank/credit union.

When you look through the Photos app, it shows what is in the cloud. When you look through your Gallery app, what is on the device. I always delete those random screenshots or pics of a price at the store, etc from my Gallery. Then sometime down the line, I open Photos and see the pics I deleted from Gallery. There is

If only they’d get the upload to work better. Mine is constantly 30 or more pics behind. I typically only take a handful of pics a week.

I will not go to a business that requires me to wear a mask. The entire mask topic is entirely non scientifically backed. Everyone is ignoring or willfully ignorant of the scientific facts. Read your box of medical masks. They explicitly state that they will not protect from COVID-19. This entire situation is based on

My Windows install is about 6 weeks old. A couple days ago, I randomly had a BSOD on waking from hibernate. Do not have this update installed. Hoping it was just a random fluke.

This is done to get as much as possible from the private insurance plans in order to balance out the losses from social/govt plans. Govt plans don’t pay enough to cover the actual costs of the services. The more the govt is involved, the worse our medical system will be.

Under ACA, the free market has been choked out. It is not free market when the government dictates what you can and cannot do. My brief experience behind the wall of medical insurance, I helped a private dentist office migrate from pure physical billing to an electronic system. Say you had a tooth pulled and the

Are you people only capable of slinging personal attacks rather than discuss the logic and facts of the situations?

Read your own reporting. The law in question is the abortion Dr having ability to admit to a nearby hospital should anything go wrong. This is clearly for the safety of the patient, right?

Harvard Law professor, same one that testified, pointed out that Trump is not actually impeached until he gets his trial in the Senate. Per the Constitution, they cannot wait until the next election. Articles are required to be passed on in a timely manner. You know, a timely trial.

This is all just sad, sick, depraved and lacking humanity. Great way to show maturity to argue your point. I guess when you don’t have truth or facts to your point, you gotta do something. Nevermind ran open mind for what reality really is.

Amazon and Disney have been fighting like children for a while. Disney didn’t like Amazon’s preorder process on movies and blocked their access to movies to preorder. Believe this started when Disney bought Marvel. Amazon drove physical disk prices down to a reasonable range under $20. Now with lack of free market