
My favorite was Brief, though support dropped with firefox updates a while back. We live with feedbro now. The option these give is ability to remove/hide articles seen. Everything else is either boring email format or read/unread. if it’s read, I want the clutter removed. I miss the ability to watch videos and read

The real flaw in the study is that a real UBI wouldnt be paid by an individual, but through taxes. If I were forced into this situation, I would be using that money to pay for the things I would have had I not been taxed through the nose to pay for the UBI program. The only thing this accomplishes for the typical

Too bad this will never be done objectively. Such as publicly identifying and removing those who do not pay their taxes.

Incorrect, the Note has 3040x1440 screen.

Spin that wheel if you like, I’ll pass.

Funny, everything on this site is Liberally biased. This used to be one of my favorite and more useful sites, but is now obsessed with Liberal ideology and pot. Any attempt to discuss a topic openly and by the facts and details of the matter are confronted with snowflake triggering and anger.

Next question: How to get rid of poison ivy? we have some that have crept into our honeysuckle and blackberries. Has killed our Japanese honeysuckle and is choking out the blackberries.

You are talking about those who go through the system to work here. That is entirely different. That still doesn’t give them the right to participate in the perks of our country. Let them seek citizenship or go back home after they have learned what they need to go back and make their country a better place.

Nevermind that antifa beat and bloodied these people, lets talk about this one detail. This is not the first time and I’m sure it won’t be the last.

Where are the gas chambers and mass graves? These people come from 3rd world countries and live the way they always have. Stepping on US soil doesn’t instantly make them behave and live different. They are intruding on our country, breaking our laws, they deserve to be sent directly back across where they came from.

Nationality is a matter of citizenship across the whole world. Qualification of citizenship should always be the first question on every census. It is fundamental to the Constitution. Non citizens should NEVER have rights and access to benefits of citizenship without earning them through the proper process. That

Yeah, noone needs deoderant or food, etc...

These people entering our country illegally are being treated better than citizens of most of the rest of the world are treated by their own governments. Certainly better than you would should you illegally enter one of their countries.

Exactly, Photos and Gallery are two different things. Photos ONLY shows what is in the cloud. Gallery (or any other gallery app) shows what is on your device.

When I delete photos from Photos, it has never touched photos stored locally on my Android phone. Same vise versa. If it does so, maybe you need to check your settings? Only thing I see that does this is using the “free up device storage” feature of Photos. That “removes original photos & videos from your device that

Of all the things our Federal Govt does, this should be a (not quite the) high priority. The Fed is Constitutionally responsible for regulating interstate commerce. Any and all foreign countries that allow these activities needs to be confronted on it’s regulation.

So, is dielectric grease a non-oxidising grease?

I call that the story of life in American Corporate manufacturing anymore.

What are the statistics of that “14 year old”? How many abortions fit that scenario? A very small number of them.

How can you scientifically justify that statement? DNA tests will show nothing other than a human being all the way down to the fertilized egg.