
Why does the system exist that allows numbers to be spoofed. Why isn’t there some sort of verification? Seems it’s about time for some phone security.

So, if we go strictly by science, there is NO way to contest that the fertilized egg is genetically and scientifically proven to be of human DNA. Specifically of the mother and father. Questions of viability ought also stay within the confines of science too. Viability questions ought to be considered within the

Wow, I was gonna recommend Smartswitch. I have used it every time since my HTC One x+ to Note 4 upgrade. Have transferred full setup, apps and all, 5 times with no problems. I have actually wondered if it would be a good idea to reset my phone with a new setup as my current one dates all the way back. Android seems to

The US is a sovereign nation. The first question in ANY countries census should be whether you are a citizen. If a person wants to be counted, then become a citizen. Otherwise you have chaos. I am sure the massive political bias her will attack me rather than discuss simple fact supporting the concept. The “left” (I

Who is presenting and sponsoring this bill?

If it’s anything like the send tab to device feature, I’ll skip it. It sometimes takes hours, even the next day to get. Unless you specifically open FF on the device.

PS, previous router, Buffalo, was useless on 5GHz. Didn’t go very far at all. Context, I live in an old farmhouse with plaster walls. Router is in back of the house to reach back yard and still gives a strong signal on the front porch.

There is range too. For me, significant range. When I upgraded to the TP-Link AC1750, my 5GHz range expanded to at least what my 2.4GHz used to be.

Be honest. They did not publish evidence. They made a claim. No one corroborated it. Then it was announced that it was a lie. How is their behavior, and yours (Lifehacker) to pander the political division considered right? I have followed LH for more years than I can remember. It is hardly a shadow of what it used to

It means what the Koran says it means, just as the Bible means what it says it means. Not what a person thinks or feels it means.

Is this a parody article? I really hope so. I appreciated how the movie was put together with NO reference to race. Everyone was portrayed equally. Geeze, how bout an interesting story without making up things about race?

I can never find sausage with enough fat for flavor. Why? What can I do? I’ve even tried cooking 2# and only put 1# of the meat in, still not enough. I’ve tried bacon grease, too sweet. Tried a wide variety of oils, just kills the flavor.

Why didn’t you guys report when the Black Panthers marched fully armed the other day?

According to that page, I’m overpaid to Social Security by $1000 in the first week of November.

Try gradual increase/decrease of food on a daily basis. You know your cat, find a middle point where he seems happy and healthy. We have a dog that, of course, will eat anything and everything we give her, but in winter when she is less active, gets more rotund, we slowly decrease her food to keep balance. As we see

I’ll give you 5%. That is the 5% most inept of our society. They are so incapable to perform such basic to life tasks, why should they even care to vote? I grew up in the poor part of one of the larger cities in Indiana. I have seen and known the type of people that don’t have ID. They are not sitting at home wishing

That’s how I feel about ID. I have been broke, bankrupt and nearly homeless and I always had ID.

Hopefully this opens doors to people much smarter than I to fix the junk called Microsoft Sync. Be awesome to replace it with Android Auto.

Capitalism gives YOU the freedom to find a remedy for the problem.

According to the Constitution, it is the Federal Governments job to lock down the border.