In other words, the only time announcements are for the phones very few people own, right?
In other words, the only time announcements are for the phones very few people own, right?
An ID costs no more than a pack of two of cigarettes or a pack of beer or whatever your choice of mind altering substances. How many crying about not being able to afford ID possess a cell phone?
You need ID to cash a paycheck. You need ID at the liquor store. You need ID to get welfare. The only reason not to require ID is to continue to have dead people still vote.
Looks like pieces of Dex working it’s way out. On my Tab S4 in Dex mode, I almost have that. I opened three apps at the same time, YouTube and two games. YouTube continues to play... However, whichever game was in focus moved while the other stopped refreshing. I could do 4 visible apps at the same time but that’s…
What got me was the artificial “ripening” of the oats. Like tomatoes, peaches, apples, etc... Much better when allowed to ripen naturally (on the plant).
Exactly, cooked in salt tastes much better than tossing it on last step.
How is this not racism? If a white person said the exact same thing but substituted the word black for white, they would be fired, attacked, etc...
In reading the documentation from the writing, the purpose was so the people could rise up against the government should it overpower the people.
Learn your history. The US Constitution was written to “enumerate” rights. It wasn’t designed to remedy all problems. Start at that basis, learn the process of it’s construction and look at how it applies to our current society. The modern constitutional crisis is the overstepping. Our constitutional system wasn’t…
Why is everyone on here just throwing around partisan trash? Why no actual back and forth dialog over the facts and merits of the situation?
The political bias on this issue is sad. When Obama did this sort of thing, his database was praised. Why the hypocrisy? Heck, just to post this using my FB account, Kinja gets access to my friend list, why? My friends have nothing to do with my post. Kinja should request nothing more than my identity. Also, notice…
This is so childish and petty. Feet and hands? What about substance?
No, they shut it down because the humans couldn’t keep up with the robot.
Absolutely on top. You pick up the important thing and run.
How many mass shooters have been NRA members? What has been the background of these type of shooters? Why put your focus on a blanket over all, including the good people rather than focus on the real cancer?
For me personally, they do everything. It makes the water softer, and the soothing properties help me relax my mind and therefore my muscles relax. I think I’ll take a soak after work today.
Wow, immediately resort to vulgar personal insults. Mature. Can any of you respond with logic and have an adult conversation? You resort to your childish insults because there is no logic to gun control. Sure, take guns away from the good people that are willing to defend you and our children.
That looks like a good start to me. I see a few categories that could use elimination completely. Some are outside the bounds of the Constitution for the Federal Government.
Nope. Absolutely not. They live the drug life because they chose to. Society encourages it. Even this site is obcessed with alcohol and marijuana. This is supposed to be life hacks, not destroy yourself. I don’t mind the occasional alcoholic beverage, but I don’t dwell and ponder on how I can make it a big deal. What…
Everything is a monthly subscription anymore. That is useless for someone like me that just wants to build an ap or two for my own personal use. Even if I did put it on the Play Store, it would be for the purpose of being useful to someone else rather than a business model... much as Karen’s Replicator. I hold NO…