
Short answer, discipline your kids. I know I’ll be torn apart here, but that’s a huge value to a stay at home mom. Our modern construct has kids being raised by gangs of other kids while mom and dad are both gone working and too tired for anything else after work to do anything. Kids have too much free, unguided time

Dropbox is 9/month. Google is 2/month for 100G.

You have to pay to get enough to hold pics. Google is much cheaper and is already there and running with the photos app.

If you live your life looking to the government to have all your solutions, you have failed from the start. The government is made up of people like you and me. Who runs Hawaiis govt? There should be drills and info released to the public on how to prepare, but I seek info for myself. I do appreciate articles like

Wow, you must have had a horrible childhood. I have never met anyone who had this horrible reaction to Happy Birthday.

How about one that removes all the suggested posts from FB and making my feed ALWAYS new posts rather than the ones FB decides it wants me to see. I hate seeing something posted a month ago that just keeps popping up and not seeing that thing my wife posted this morning.

1. American business are taxed higher than anywhere else in the world. That is why so many jobs leave the country.

And that is their problem to deal with. Life is about choices and consequences. It is mom and dads responsibility to teach these things, not mine through he government to carry them.

I install Windows 10 on any dual core device I come across. Runs better than when was new. Do hate how MS shoves all the crap apps at you, though... and all the notifications. I understand they are trying to compete with Android and IOS, but don’t abuse notifications.

The one and only problem I had with Linux is that the very robust community was very elitist as to using command for EVERYTHING where simple scripts could easily be developed. Why not ease off the elitist command mentality and make a GUI program for basic maintenance issues?

Now playing

Why complain about legalese on a topic that is actually about law? Maybe because the facts discredit your rhetoric?

That would be legal under the rules of net neutrality, but not the original and current laws of antitrust and monopolies. Way to be partisan and disrespectful of anothers point of view.

No, because I am not on a Govt subsidized insurance plan. I am on a group plan through my employment where I share the costs with my fellow coworkers.

Yeah, he proves that being a criminal has nothing to do with being poor.

Logic key is being in the wrong place at the wrong time. What are your life choices and why are you where you are? I intentionally do not spend any time in my childhood neighborhood for that reasoning. It has been a long hard road working my way our of it too.

Once, my dad was walking a couple blocks to the drug store for a Pepsi, odd for him, he never did that. Anyways, he fit a description of someone that cops were looking for. They picked him up (he fully cooperated knowing he did nothing wrong.) and took him downtown. There he verified his identity and was released,

I grew up poor. most of the time only had one pair of pants for school and shoes rarely fit. I made choices to stay away from people who did wrong and chose to do right. It was my choice.

Horrible article. All rhetoric. Yes, the wealthy does get the break of the inheritance tax, but where does that equate an increase for anyone else? It does not. ALL tax brackets get a percentage CUT.

Expiration date of 2025 doesn’t matter. This crap can change every year.

I’m sorry, your first line is utterly stupid. Cash bail has nothing to do with being poor. Getting yourself in a situation to be arrested is the cause. The mindset that breeds being poor overlaps the one that gets one arrested.