I’m gonna do this on my Note 8. The answer as to why... Mockery...
I’m gonna do this on my Note 8. The answer as to why... Mockery...
I really miss Bump... and the Beta release of BitTorrent Sync. Sad how difficult it is to transfer video files and even larger batches of pics. Google photos is ok except for when I want a full resolution copy for use on my desktop. There are only so many monthly subscriptions that a person can maintain.
Criminals will always be criminals. Taking away options for good people to protect themselves is foolish.
Why don’t they protest on their own time and place? The anthem is our nations symbol. The place is their place of work.
Yay. I love to hear how I’m paying for someone else’s insurance.
Samsung has waterproof with jack.
Fortunately, Samsung was smart to return microsd after the 5. I wouldn’t have bought the note 8 without it.
I agree. I always found Netflix star suggestions very accurate. More so than any other suggestion I’ve seen. Much better than YouTube recommended videos.
I’ve always wondered why Amazon has such high rental prices. I will go to Redbox before I pay $4 to rent a movie. You’d think they would price Prime rentals to compete with Redbox.
I’ve always wondered why Amazon has such high rental prices. I will go to Redbox before I pay $4 to rent a movie.…
Exactly. I have a 6 inch touch screen built into the dash. Let me ditch the trash and use what works.
Only if you ignore the science.
I’m still waiting for lcars on pc and Android.
If I'm using a paid for copy, I better not get adds. Sounds like a poor decision. Google doesn't put adds in Android. Leave the os clean.
My note 4 uses more battery on a 10 minute phone than an entire day use of clash of clans.
Abortion is removal of a being that by scientific testing would reveal as human, angioplasty is unblocking an artery. Looking at the full science, there is no comparison.
I wanna ask as this of a community which cares of the science of our world and I am part of this community... How is a fetus pre-human? Don’t we test such things by DNA structure? Would not this being, even down to its first cell, test as a human possessing the DNA traits of its parents? I don’t understand dismissing…
Trick for the drywall dust... Put water in the bucket with the pickup part of the hose extending into the water. None of the dust makes it to the vacuum. When it starts to foam, change the water.
Thank you, that is awesome. I’ve been married for 25 years and feel as you stated. I find it rare to find someone who values marriage and the relationship that makes it work.
My projector heats the room too. Can’t wait til I can afford a laser model.