
Sharks on cocaine? That’ll end well.

So, the Panthers weren’t even playing and Cam still gets blamed?

Stram’s and Madden’s epic Pop-and-Lock battles at each other from across the field have been lost to history.

And here’s the NFL, publicizing the unsportsmanlike conduct!

I wish I could say this attitude was unique to Trump, but I go over this with the state legislature every year, too. Yes, $X is a lot to spend to replace this system. However, it will cost us $X+Y to keep maintaining this PoS written in Cobol over the next couple years if we don’t. We spend more now to save more in

Sadly, his transportation pick is one of his better ones.

It still upsets me a little that the movie didn’t actually have the “censoring” there. I thought that made the entire situation more hilarious.

If you are a sentient human being, OF COURSE you see color. How can you not? And how can you not realize that people of color are treated way worse than white people? Color blind means blinkered or just plain blind.

I’m serious! The point of good discourse is to get people to see the world differently and to open their minds. That may sound corny, but that really is the point. Trevor Noah has a hell of a lot more patience than I do.

“When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same.” - D. Trump

That’s great. I’m glad you love your child’s school. I’d like to learn more about it, especially about their inclusion practices.

[Caption] While Adam excitedly inspects the infamous HAL 9000 eye, Jackson nervously hopes his most creepy, yet mundane prop, a life-sized studio intern, will not be noticed...

Seriously, the taking a year off thing has killed any and all momentum the show had from previous seasons.


I give this a 5 out of 7.

“ Trump’s team had (as of Wednesday) literally no pages”

Your wrong their using it correctly.

Settle down bro and take a deep breathe.

Now playing

I feel like Gary Oldman could pitch-sell a bag of shit and I’d buy it solely on how well he sells.

I got your stones right here...