
This is good kinja.

Getting mad at a person because they asked a moral question, a question that will have to be answered.

Of course the Guilia is a safe car, can’t crash it if its broken down.

Jason, there, likely hasn’t grasped the full weight of the question he’s asking and all of its implications.

The DPRK (North Korea) has one goal. The reunification of Korea. The *only* thing stopping them right now is the deterrent that they do not want to engage in a war with the United States which they know they cannot win. Once they obtain a large enough stock pile of nuclear weapons and a reliable means of delivering

Still confused why you are lambasting Jason Calacanis for posing the question. He’s just asking a perfectly legitimate question about war and ethics. It’s an age old question without a clear answer. Who are you to think you have the answer and no other opinions are allowed dude?

If someone has a real suggestion as to how to get NK to simmer down, without any loss of life, I’d love to hear it.

Otherwise, facing the reality that NK is going to kill some certain number of people at some certain point in the future requires us to decide whether those casualties are on our terms or on Kim Jong

what the fuck

I gotta go with my gut on this one. And God knows my gut isn’t always right. But my gut tells me this is some sort of variation on a Ponzi scheme. Yes, the people at the beginning of the Ponzi scheme most definitely make money. But the poor suckers at the end lose. And my gut tells me that bitcoin is somehow like

Bitcoin is fine in theory, in reality and in practice it’s not. There’s so many elements of our economy and situation that are straight up fucked, adding this on to the pile doesn’t help.

I’m going to laugh my ass off when this whole thing blows up and becomes worthless (which, when you really think about it, is what it is right now). How many people today bought their bitcoins at $780 and are now selling them off for $16,000? None? That’s what I thought. Which bank is running out of cash on hand

The sad thing?

volatility and hackable. what could possibly go wrong?

It was actually around 19k for a hot minute today and then, over the course of about 15 minutes, dropped back to the 16k range. Volatile doesn’t even begin to explain it.

As an engineer myself, i applaud the way this man yelled at the stop light.

That man made somebunny very happy!

I’m not sure you understand a pyramid scheme.

I can highly recommend the first 3 games that were posted here.

I can highly recommend the first 3 games that were posted here.

Me neither and I’m not lion.

The headline makes it sound like driving unaware of a sign sticking out of your car is the crime, when really it was failure to not be a drunk ass.