
I remember working for the Census on the side back when I was in school. I was a test administrator in an area where they were struggling to get enough qualified takers, so they begged me to run weekend exams. I lived ~50 miles from the testing sites and the entire office knew this, but they wanted it done. As the

FEMA tried to do this to us (disaster assistance employees) after Katrina, too. We told them hell no and they left us alone. But they were in shambles at the time and didn’t have the bandwidth to enforce the law.

Proof that you shouldn’t take that rock for granite.

I wonder if some of those drivers were stoned.

The article specifically says they don’t expect to recover their losses. Good try tho

All car companies tear each other’s cars apart, not just the Americans. There are even third party companies who sell detailed reports based on their own teardowns. That’s almost how the Japanese started their car industry.

Rent it and wreck it. My motto for Airbnb toilets, and I guess for Mercedes when it comes to opposition research.

It’s nice, but it’s still no Toyota Alphard.

Well, maybe the car wanted a taco, and was waiting patiently for its turn.

They did it because of fear of death, fear for their families, and because they have been tortured and brainwashed through horrible conditions to follow the rules. Not saying what they did was right, but just explaining why. The people have been tortured and starved into be “good” little soldiers.

Starting at 3:00, it’s around 30 seconds of yakety sax chaos

can’t cross...a golf course

Nice price or crack pipe for the Jeep, I wonder?

Totalitarianism thrives by making sure there are no good choices.

Pedantic Man sex: “Not a Jeep

it wouldn’t be the first time a company geared a business strategy around people who aren’t “smart enough to do the math”.

This is why the attrition rate is something like 75%. Those smart enough to do the math find that they are making $8 per hour or less and beating the shit out of their cars. That leaves only the desperate- including criminals.

Uber saying thousands lost access to economic opportunities as a result of the decision

You should send one to Rand Paul

You should send one to Rand Paul