
Yeah, that was the source I used. I mean, common sense will tell you they weren’t making 500k Achieva’s per year.

I’m assuming production of 500k per year for the Achieva was a typo on behalf of the poster? And meant to say 50k?

I mean, that’s at only 2,981 miles. The further you drive it, the cheaper it will get per mile. And once it’s paid off it will only insurance. And when you trade it in you’ll get something back for it.

Was he just drunk? Hitting 5 cars and 2 people seems like a lot even for a drunk driver.

I had to go Google it.  Cool ship.

I don’t think there’s any guarantee everything will work on a maiden voyage, but the ship in the GIF has guests on it, so I’m guessing it’s not always the maiden voyage.

Reintroduce punishment.

A little too close for my liking.

Hopefully that’s just an insurance policy. Otherwise, we could have a Baltimore situation all over again if the ship loses power.

What do you mean? You don’t make car purchases based on your SO’s initials?

Yes, seems pretty clear. And smart.

I happily pay to avoid Coctco.

They probably already have a phone. In fact, one thing that bothered me about my ex was his absolute fixation on his phone when we were driving around. I would sometimes say things to see if I could get his attention. “Hey look, there’s a cow on fire over there.” No luck.

How about an IROC that’s not a Camaro?

Yes, I would not go near this rust yard.

We left and parked elsewhere, but we couldn’t find any signage. There may have been some fine print somewhere, but we were all looking around at each other like we were on a hidden camera show.

I clicked through to see the bucket seats, but no pics. I was treated to the “Heartbeat of America” floormat, however.

I thought I was getting scammed once, parking at a public lot downtown to visit a museum with my family. The lot was unattended, the signs said $10 I think. Maybe it was $15. Anyhow, I scan the QR code and it’s asking for $50.

I have no idea if there are paid karters out there, but normally what it means if someone is doing competitive karting with the hopes of going pro just means they hope to race professionally eventually, not necessarily race karts. It’s usually a stepping stone.

Are we really surprised that Ford doesn’t like DEI? They raced Chevies.