I suppose it’s capable since it has Starlink. I never activated it, didn’t do the free trial period, never linked my phone.
I suppose it’s capable since it has Starlink. I never activated it, didn’t do the free trial period, never linked my phone.
These are “Launch Editions,” right? With a bunch of standard stuff for “free” such as Stage 2 upgrade and the rest of the stuff you listed. I believe less expensive models are to follow.
I have literally not seen that, not even close. Curious where all these Hummers are at. Hornets are not unusual to spot.
My 2018 WRX doesn’t have such capabilities, to the best of my knowledge. If it did, it would probably be a boring data packet anyway.
Not during this ride.
114 may have been on a track, but I do find it interesting that the car “sent out a data packet” to tattle tale on him.
They sold hundreds of thousands of these, 775,677 according to the Internet. (And counting, I guess, some are still on lots.)
It feels like they haven’t been 100% honest about this situation.
I had the same question. What is plan C?
When I was there Top Thrill 2 didn’t exist yet, but big thumbs up to all the coasters that were there, including Millenium Force.
I can’t recall ever seeing a double-decker cattle truck, but I also don’t exactly live in cow country. Do we have these in the States?
My previous vehicle hadn’t even hit the sales lot yet, it still had plastic film covering the wheels, and it had 11 miles on it.
The Mirage’s replacement is going to be a “MirageCross” or whatever they end up naming it.
I watched Man on Wire and The Walk. Recommend both/either.
1 mile is unheard of. It seems like the original owner must have arranged something special with the delivery to have it driven so little. They come off the trucks with more than a mile on them.
I was gonna say, isn’t there still some unsold inventory out there?
That exterior color is not appealing to me. That interior color is not appealing to me. If it’s you’re thing, then...maybe? I refrained from voting today.
You are correct.