Seems like that “air blade” is going to be a common theme on these Stella era EV’s. First the Charger, then the Wagoneer S, now this.
Seems like that “air blade” is going to be a common theme on these Stella era EV’s. First the Charger, then the Wagoneer S, now this.
They’re cameras, which is currently illegal, so it’s just a concept car thing for now.
I actually think a production version of this concept would be better than the concept. Dial back the SciFi stuff, give it a reasonable ride height and better wheels, a more realistic canopy (although I kind of like the canopy, it doesn’t seem like a realistic production thing). I’m trying to picture what this would…
Yeah, this is cool for a SciFi movie, but really has no bearing on what the next Chrysler will actually do or be. Unless they’re planning to launch in 2050, which, at this pace.....
Are you the same guy that wanted James Cameron to change Titanic?
Hard to say what the “real” reason was (or reasons), but Chrysler’s response to the government was that the cost to manufacture the ESX-3 would add more to the MSRP than consumers are willing to pay to achieve 72 MPG.
Cool, can we get some Chrysler Halcyon coverage? C&D has a lot of photos.
Just to be clear, this is a “would you re-buy your car survey” and not a “will your next car be the same” survey. Correct? In other words, it’s a satisfaction survey, not a loyalty survey. Seems there is some confusion in the comments.
This lack of clarity keeps coming up, but I believe the survey is asking if you would buy your current car all over again. Not if your next car will be the same as your current car, as in, will you buy it twice in a row.
Yes? I live in a large complex, so we get a lot of deliveries. Some drivers are rather courteous about where they park. However, it’s not uncommon for me to get home from work and have my garage blocked by a delivery truck. Is it usually a short inconvenience? Sure. Is it an avoidable inconvenience? Yes.
How do you open the doors on the Koenigsegg if you’re parked curbside? Doesn’t look like it would clear a curb.
Thanks for the info on the A/C, I was squinting at the blurry interior pic and couldn’t spot it. If forced to choose, I would take the Ranger. I have a good bit familiarity with both trucks.
Buick Cutlass.....?
I didn’t realize Papa Murphs wasn’t national. On their website it actually appears that they are indeed national, but with heavy west coast concentration, and zero New York locations, for example.
I assume we’re talking these two specific trucks, and not just a hypothetical make/model/year/mile comparison. That base model Toyota is in rough shape and has a ton of rust, showing every bit of its age. I believe I see cigarette burns on the driver seat. The Ranger seems to present better, however it appears there…
Do these things send their footage to a “cloud” of sorts? Seems like it shouldn’t be too hard to identify the perps if they can access the footage.
Traveling top speed would also undoubtedly shorten that 500 mile range they were advertising.
“they were boats that people remembered being stuck into by their parents”
In my experience, minivans are way better to drive than SUV’s.