
Is he selling it because he bought the white WRX in the background that he wanted the whole time anyway?

Yeah, this is setting off my “it’s-been-in-a-wreck” senses, despite the clean title. Bad body panels, tons of new parts, no airbag, engine out. 

The last sentence was clearly a joke. Holy cow.

At the risk of misgendering someone, I’m assuming his niece is a she.

Delivery fees are high enough already. I won’t be paying more for Grubhub. Keep your pizza.

Cruise outrage is always interesting to me. The two I’ve been on were affordable and enjoyable. I have no interest in a 9-month cruise, however. One week is perfectly fine.

Well I guess now I have to watch The Lady And The Dale.

This was a point I was going to mention. 

Regarding the tight garage, my grandpa did something rather clever for their garage. He used a string to hang a tennis from the garage ceiling at just the right spot. Once the windshield touches the tennis ball, you’re parked.


The first time I saw a Sienna in that color I was surprised.  Toyota is usually much more boring than that.

He should definitely invest in a full face helmet at a minimum.

About once a month I get an email to become a subscribing member of a private charter jet company. “Why fly commercial ever again?” it says. I don’t know how I got on that mailing list, but I can assure you I’m not the target market money wise.

You can just let people express their preferences with their spending”

Comes with standard running boards!  Don’t be a hater.

Crash test it now. Please. Immediately.

Probably has more to do with the WRX.

Days of Thunder > Top Gun

I’ve gone down a wiki rabbit hole. It’s more or less exactly what you think. I also learned what “Irish Travellers” are, a new term for me.

I used to see these things driving around with that rear step and I would think, hmmm....I guess that’s for reaching the roof? But now I see it’s for 3rd row access through the rear door. Interesting “approach” to 3-row seating.