Is he selling it because he bought the white WRX in the background that he wanted the whole time anyway?
Is he selling it because he bought the white WRX in the background that he wanted the whole time anyway?
Yeah, this is setting off my “it’s-been-in-a-wreck” senses, despite the clean title. Bad body panels, tons of new parts, no airbag, engine out.
The last sentence was clearly a joke. Holy cow.
At the risk of misgendering someone, I’m assuming his niece is a she.
Delivery fees are high enough already. I won’t be paying more for Grubhub. Keep your pizza.
Cruise outrage is always interesting to me. The two I’ve been on were affordable and enjoyable. I have no interest in a 9-month cruise, however. One week is perfectly fine.
Well I guess now I have to watch The Lady And The Dale.
This was a point I was going to mention.
Regarding the tight garage, my grandpa did something rather clever for their garage. He used a string to hang a tennis from the garage ceiling at just the right spot. Once the windshield touches the tennis ball, you’re parked.
The first time I saw a Sienna in that color I was surprised. Toyota is usually much more boring than that.
About once a month I get an email to become a subscribing member of a private charter jet company. “Why fly commercial ever again?” it says. I don’t know how I got on that mailing list, but I can assure you I’m not the target market money wise.
“You can just let people express their preferences with their spending”
Comes with standard running boards! Don’t be a hater.
Crash test it now. Please. Immediately.
Probably has more to do with the WRX.
Days of Thunder > Top Gun
I’ve gone down a wiki rabbit hole. It’s more or less exactly what you think. I also learned what “Irish Travellers” are, a new term for me.
I used to see these things driving around with that rear step and I would think, hmmm....I guess that’s for reaching the roof? But now I see it’s for 3rd row access through the rear door. Interesting “approach” to 3-row seating.