
I can only assume Ringling Bros is selling one of their clown cars, and the $55k is some sort of “famous” tax.

If Subway had drive thrus it should definitely be Mitch Hedburg.

Hard to pick out which is worse in that “conversation” ...the computer or the idiot?

Use ju jitsu if needed, this is an AI post, right? Well AI probably would’ve spelled it correctly. Thanks for my daily laugh, though.

In one of the videos the side mirror actually comes apart.  Lots of force at work here.

Yeah, I’m seeing that now also. I’m not sure how it works in that jurisdiction. Perhaps if you’re guilty of first degree murder you’re also guilty of every degree of murder.

The ProMaster City costs less (maybe for a reason) and it seems like budget is a factor here.

His does look like shit inside and out, and the wheels, too.

Zimmerman was Florida, this is Georgia.

She was accused of acting like a police officer, so it all fits.

I don’t think “two counts” of murder is the correct terminology, but presumably she was charged with two different degrees of murder and the jury decides what degree it equates to. At least that’s how it was in my State the last time I was on a jury.

Like what? The death sentence isn’t free, it ends up costing more than life in jail.

It may not matter if nothing is visible, but it does matter is something is visible. Why leave out a backpack and beg for a break in? We’ve had a rash of smash and grabs in my HOA neighborhood, and it’s only been cars with visible contents (so far).

The interior is pretty dang bad for $70k+, it wouldn’t look that out of place in an economy car.

I suppose it could just not work for minors and they get the same test as adults. In my State the limit is 0.01 for minors, 0.08 for adults.

The system would also have to know whether or not you’re a minor.

Definitely suspicious. I’ll be interested to learn more as the investigation plays out.

The black paint goes a little way to hide the ugliness, but the wheels, interior, and headlights (both condition and styling) are all something I would not want to own.

My dentist had one. (The car, not the mistress, as far as I know.)

This and the Solara are kissing cousins when it comes to the ugly gene.