If there were no other motive, sure, but in this case it seems like the eviction-in-process tenant or the 5 illegal tenants are better smoking guns to start with.
If there were no other motive, sure, but in this case it seems like the eviction-in-process tenant or the 5 illegal tenants are better smoking guns to start with.
I didn’t even notice, my brain read collar.
Did he spray paint the wheels black, and then spray paint the grill silver?
When I bought my first WRX the salesman said, “You WRX guys already know everything about the car, there’s nothing I can tell you.”
Just feels weird to me. “These workers got a raise to minimum wage, let’s take it out on ‘em!”
I think you’re onto something. If only there was a thing on the train itself that could make a noise. If only.
What? You probably shouldn’t eat out if you feel it’s too expensive. Reminds me of a coworker that leaves tiny tips. He says, “Look how busy they are, they’re making plenty of tips.” Yeah, it’s the lunch rush dude. If you want to leave a small tip or no tip for a “real” reason like uniquely shitty service, that fine,…
Everything is wrong with this example. The windshield surround, the armor all (even on the steering wheel), the door speakers, no wash, no vacuum, faded headlights. Did they spray paint the wheels black? It’s like they went out of their way to intentionally make it undesirable.
The 1970 Subaru 360 police car wins for cuteness. Even some comedy in the Sotheby’s ad.
For whatever reason I was wondering if he had a Miura. Yep, sold for $1,160,000.
$45k for a Tuk Tuk is a head scratcher.
The Dodge Brothers tow truck caught my eye also.
Speaking of that Demon, are they actually appreciating? $150k is well over MSRP. A lot of these prices seem high. $45k for a Tuk Tuk?!
I was referring more to rockslides and the unstable washed out road, not riding too fast.
Oops, didn’t get the reference.
I don’t think Jezebel does have enough ad revenue. CNN headline says Jezebel is dead and no buyer could be found.
I have no clue what they’re doing with the Chrysler brand. I think that Airflow concept was well received, but now it sounds like it’s dead.
You could get white gauges on the base Neon as an option. Different font, though, and MPH doesn’t go as high obviously.
Good eye, the rear diffuser isn’t factory either.
I had a 2nd gen. They were heavier but for all the good reasons you list above. Seems they got the 1st gen kinks worked, at least for my example. Don’t get the auto. Very fun, efficient, reliable car. The only issue I had was the shifter cable broke at 104,000 miles. I sold it at 114,000 miles on the original clutch…