
Hey dude I don't mean to burst your bubble hear but WE ARE NOT GOING TO GO TO AN ALL DIGITAL CONSOLE MARKET any time soon. WHY? Slow ass internet to download 20+ Gb games and the Gb size will only increase that much more every generation. If Google can spread Google fiber across the country in 5 years then it's more

Oh yes these ladies should stop doing that and wear skirts all the way down to their ankles. Go read you bible and whip yourself for seeing this video lol

Yeah these studio hollywood people charging $20 to own a movie are crazy. No wonder people pirate. Can't blame them for not deciding to overpay on an item that shouldn't be that overpriced

holy zombie jeezus lol

this looks like a pile of 90's vcr's and gadget gizmos

juice maker

cheese grater

that would be pretty damn sweet. Hit their twitter or email and send them that message NOW. Would jump at the sale if they offered cross buy

It's kind of more like a race against time game than say the Stardust games.

More like too much hipster bs than I can take... bow tie really. f*cking kids these days *am 22*

By any chance would you know how long this promo is going for? The 15 off promo on purchases of 50 dollars plus


lol just don't be those parents who don't know how to discipline their children. Soft parents tend to do that so I hope your future children or existing children are not brats and take advantage of you

Made his comment even funnier by your reply X)

hahaha funny XD

Pretty much this. I wouldn't really buy an argument from them saying anything else because they always seem to cosplay anything that will compress their tits

not sure on their gamestop preorders, but we all know they are not as good as ps4's or are getting on par and as far as amazon goes they are currently number1 with their launch model because they have not sold out completely like sony's launch 399 model.

I assure you there are classic trolls out there. The ones who troll for the lulz and the ones who troll people who deserve to be trolled due to their ignorance. They're out there

lighten up. You make it seem as if someone intentionally knocked her off the swing and then hit her with the swing. I got a chuckle. Loosen up buddy

vagina face or eye of Sauron