
I don't mean to be an arse here but I can only see Nintendo and Sony trying their hardest to get the Chinese market in their favor because worldwide Sony is killing it and last gen nintendo wii also killed it but not so hot right now with the wiiU. MS is really only big here in the U.S and UK, more so in the U.S.

no not really... that always connected camera requirement though is quite stupid.

I out grew this after 3rd or fourth grade

These WWE games look like crap. Do the devs even try when they make these games?

lol hahaha that's so true. And lets not forget: "Yeeeeeah but then I have to frame it and that's also going to cut into my profits. Basically it's going to be sitting in my shop for a while,,,, *with bad poker face*"

suspicious stare

Considering you don't really do your research, Sony owns a lot of studios and those studios create games only for sony's platform. Hence, only on PS3. I know it's hard for someone who games on a machine that hasn't seen a decent exclusive in years but please stay off of psn because we don't need little baby COD

some sort of revolutionary duster

so what you're saying is that you don't mind getting things shoved down your throat at your own expense. okay....

tuuuhrk err jerrbs

I share this guys opinion, although I do tend to tolerate their voices in anime but I cannot tolerate them on japanese, asian girls when they show commercial. It's the most annoying high pitch sound in the world to me

I never understood and continue to not understand why girls and ladies like these Uggly ass boots ;b

hahaha I love this. comical

in the south it is... I'm just fuckin around peeps ;b

can't get cheaper than this right. The can says it all

4 layers of make up

Since this year the emphasis is slightly more on Luigi, why didn't they try to name it Luigi and Mario.... Marketing points

epilepsy in 3.2.1..

why they have yet to mention him in a smashbros game, i dunno

fool me once shame on you... is there one for 4 times lol