
Duh, everyone knows prime domestic violence season is before OTAs.

Is it a felony charge because she was pregnant or because it was overly violent?

ugh will someone PLEASE make another fucking star wars flight sim?

Sexting her friend too? What a pig.


Or, torrent the fucking thing. I just started grad school after finishing up undergrad in 08, and it's fucking disgusting how much more expensive these books have gotten.

They might be waiting to see if they can use an earlier edition of the book.

I totally forgot you were the same one who shits on Yuengling.

At least you're not Detroit!

Dude I don't care if he sucks, I'm an Eagles fan. Preseason or not, if it takes you all night to score playing against 3rd string CBs and throwing to Pro Bowl receivers, then you're in for a rough year.

Are you the last person on Earth to ever try this beer?

Wow, this response was so dumb it belongs in Why Your Team Sucks

lol man I hope you're joking.

Griffin has been absolute shit this preseason. This is a team that has Pierre Garcon, DeSean Jackson, a good running back, and what looks to be a decent TE. And I really don't get this nonsense with "learning the pocket". Go and watch him against the Eagles in Week 16 when he came back from his first injury. I watched

It's not gonna help with concussions or broken bones

To the Center City, Philly guy wandering into that bar.

What the fuck did they expect, they pretty much said Vick would be able to compete, that was BS, and now they're pissed that he didn't try harder?


Prettttttttty much.

Wish he had just had his ass kicked.