Never leave. Please never leave.
Never leave. Please never leave. thanks, I'll continue to bust my friends balls when they are being lame. Calling out friends is a time honored tradition.
100 grams dude? No reason to be carrying close to a quarter pound of pot
Not sure this is more credit to Watkins or a knock against a team with shitty corners
I just realized that the entire time I lived in Augusta, Georgia, I met one Panthers fan. And tickets were dirt cheap all season long. And whenever I went to Charlotte, I felt at home because everyone was from the north east.
Hey, Deadspin. Why the fuck do I have to search through two dozen idiotic articles to find this on the day it's written? Why is the front story on deadspin about a teenager being executed? Yes, it's sad, but why the hell do your stories leak to other parts of the site when I came here for a pretty popular annual piece?
Sadly the biggest problem these days isn't what's being stored, but what they're posting online. Want a better experience online and not have your online persona bite your real life in the ass? Shut the fuck up.
I actually lost my favorite leatherman, unfortunately I forgot the model, but even the replacement one i bought is something i keep nearby at all times
"I find the entire Matthews clan to be annoying: Bruce and Clay and the other Clay and still yet another Clay and now Jake. "
Thank god it wasnt genos or pats
Les Bowen is a hack, he's the only one saying that.
Doesn't matter, we're still going to aim for Mark Sanchez
Then again, we stomped the shit out of the Lions. That was my first eagles game
No doubt they're considering the change because of how much we love those jerseys, no need for a radio comment trial
Okay, it's like Anheuser Busch pretending they're a local, family operation?
Oh Jesus Christ. Of course you're from Boston, I should have guessed that from your shit taste buds on the last list. Saying Boston Lager is underrated is like Green Day pretending they're still punk.
Fuck you, Yuengling is better than you.
There goes my hero
i'm about 190 pounds and run at least every other day. its not like tacos are loaded with beef.
Would it? I pay 4 bucks for a pound of beef, maybe 2 bucks for some small tortillas and a pepper and i got lunch and dinner for at least three days.