Dammit, Pappelbon did this same shit earlier this season.
Dammit, Pappelbon did this same shit earlier this season.
Ugh this is especially hard for me because I just moved back close to where I grew up, so all those regional treats the south deprived me of are now available.
Actually having taken a risk reduction course (I done fucked up), they talked about tolerance as something that was genetic, as well as the one you develop. Basically what happens is your threshold for addiction is lower since you're likely to drink more just to feel anything to begin with.
Myth 5...yeah....doesn't work guys.
Pickle juice.
ugh learn to fucking write.
I fucking hate my team.
Well, if you're all over the place, then you just need to focus. Codeacademy.com has a lot of classes to learn HTML and Javascript, which would be a pretty good start for web design. Do you like trivia? Going around to local bars and asking if they're interested in having you host a trivia night for a fee could be…
Kinda figured, sorry. If the loans are broken up, maybe try to pay a little bit more towards the smallest one and snowball that until they're paid off.
maybe look at ways to trim some of your bills and put that money aside?
Roaming? 1997 called from a payphone, it wants its lifehack back.
Fuck Boston.
if there was a lebron player, he'd just leave them asap anway
...carl jr's/hardees still has a burger wrapped in lettuce, the salad shakers weren't a bad idea at all, and if you think avocados haven't been hipsterized yet, I'm pretty sure you haven't been paying attention.
Yeah but sex\?
"I'll fight every tomato in here" ~ Riley Cooper
didn't really translate well
FredEx fucking sucked, what the hell were you watching?