
That's neither here nor there. It has nothing to do with people insinuating there are no good cops because they don't see the videos on youtube.

Nobody wants to watch a video of a boring cop doing their job properly. That's not why people upload police videos and it's the reason you don't see those. The vast majority of police interaction do no involve abuse of any kind, to say differently is beyond ignorant.

I will always take being right over being first, but social media is a necessary tool in our line of work. If you can't utilize it to help your stories then you're living in the journalism world of the early 80s at best.

It's not mass market until the majority of stores selling PC's have those specs or better and most are at 6gb ram right now because the companies know they can cheap on it, even though any system will likely accomodate 16/32.

I'll work around her schedule. As in I can write whenever the fuck I feel like it and be her manservant with benefits. I think I can pull off the whole cabana boy thing...

Whereas real nerds, not just internet trolls, quickly see that Zacharek just doesn't like super hero movies and go on about their day lol.

I've either seen you on 9gag or someone is using your picture :P That is all.

How can you be a belieber of anyone not name Bieber? I dont understand kids!

Wait... I'm no expert on women's clothes sizing, but i'm pretty sure given Lively's frame that she wouldn't even be a fucking extra small.

He asks. He's actually a really nice guy. I met him at a con last year and he was awesome. This little girl ran up to us (I was tactical deadpool) and gave us both drawings because we were her favorite superhero. I got my bff Spidey :P

hahaha I love this guy. Can't wait to see him again at my city's con this fall :D

No, they're the ones realizing that this hurts the children far more than their drug addicted parents.

Working in the media myself, i've come to realize that there is a subset of millenials that hate other millenials for a wide variety of reasons, with little of them actually having to do with their age group. This is a perfect example. It could have just read, "Moron fucks up."

I skipped to the end just to berate you for talking bad about "Love, Actually." How dare you! We're talking about a movie where Severus Snape, the Prime Minister and Liam Neeson are all pretty much terrified of Emma Thompson's sheer awesomeness. Yes, it's cheesy as all fuck, but that's why I love it. It takes

i may be alone in this, but i think mid fight bone breaks should impact the character for the rest of the round. It just looks stupid having it pop back into place. Plus it would put much more emphasis on defensive tactics

Yep, move over angry feminists. It's time for the angry men in the house to step up and deal with the Elliot Rodger's of the world. :)

Yes he's a good looking guy, but he's also clearly a piece of shit. He isn't there for his wife and family and would rather steal shit than endure a low paying job that wont land him in jail.

Goat Simulator is one sale!

Damn you Sherlock KHAAAAAAAAAAN(!)berSmaug! Damn you and your pithy happiness!

In my relationships, i've almost always done more around the house but there are two reasons for that.