
I don't suppose there's been a leaked list of the Steam Summer Sale titles, has there?

I may have posted a questionable spoiler about GoT's last night when I tweeted, "Well someone just cast magic missile at the darkness." However, I never referenced the show and it was more of an in-joke. There are ways of having a spoiler free discussion, you just have to show restraint.

I think it'll be cameos and then them pulling together to fight... something. At least that's what it seems like if they aren't going to do it as a true JLA or MoS sequel.

If Latino Reviews' scoop is correct, and DC hasn't refuted it yet, then BvS is actually not a MoS sequel anymore. It's more like a pre-JLA or the first JLA, but they don't have the balls to call it that.

She makes a point, you respond with 2 pages of the most ridiculous straw man arguments i've ever seen. Yea, I think you need to learn the definition of blowing something out of proportion because you're clearly the one doing it here...

They're as bad and as grossly misinformed as the anti-vaxxers.

Why isn't this gloriously monikered assclown being booked on terrorism charges? She blew up a car with a fucking missile...

I'm crying right now. holy shit, that's amazing.

Their Psychic welfare is more secure huh? WELL THANK GOD NO ONE IS TRYING TO TAKE THEIR POWERS! That unmarried bastard Peter Dinklage is probably trying to make his sentinels work on married women right now!

To be fair, A Link To The Past was openworld :P

So should we, like, put up signs and trail markers to help these people find the cliffs they should fuck right off of?


Well, fucking myself is a regular part of my routine, so I suppose it wouldn't hurt to get it in earlier in the day. However, you really don't understand how irony works. You're attacking these girls for dressing comfortably in one of the hottest places in the country and have no basis for the claims that they're

If you can't respect a person just because they don't dress conservatively in 115 degree heat and 80% humidity, then you obviously have no intention of respecting them in any way shape or form. You're a chauvinist. We get it. No one thinks you're cool little man.

First thing, i'm a guy. Second, i'm also a college graduate and work with people who have all the hallmarks of "assholes" you're crying about. No one gives a damn because they do their job.

Wouldn't they be wearing scrubs in the nursing school anyway? Granted i'm not in nursing buildings too often when I have to visit colleges, but I just kind of assumed they all wore the scrubs :P

Not if you want to save any pudding for Lord Bills...

yet he includes a pic of Krillen lolz

Portland's stinky armpit. Well, really that's just when you were downwind of the papermill in Camas lol. God I hated having to drive by that. It smelt of day old cabbage.

Dafuq is the point of putting in animations for broken bones if they have no effect on the character? That's just stupid.