
Yeah rap is new. Old people don’t get it.

If that’s your case shouldn’t Hillary had gone away after losing to Obama?

She came back and fucked a bunch of shit up in the middle east.

Also this never happened: “how he consistently failed to take womens and POCs issues seriously” he has strong support from both. 

This would have been a good idea 30 years ago when Spike could still make a good movie. Dude went from a master to modern day Kevin Smith incredibly quickly. But, at least I’d trust Smith to actually like comic books.

How is Hutchinson inexperienced? He has over 100 games in the NHL and is one of the top AHL goalies. 

Nobody finishes Catch-22

Ugh, Canadian here, Trudeau signed up for the job thinking it was just PR appearances. His government is racist and capitalist. Fuck him. Stop giving him press.

America has proven time and time again it can barely think about dealing with one thing at a time... then it gets tired of that thing and moves on. Then, your government accomplishes something nobody actually wants but their donors do.

The center is a lot further left than the Democrats believe (maybe because their moneyed donors are definitely on the right).
Universal Helathcare is something people want them to fight for. But they think playing bipartisan politics is some kind of high road.

Yeah maybe actually fighting for strong gun control could get them excited? Oh no, gotta be bipartisan, politics isn’t about winning!

More Sanders supporters voted Clinton than Clinton supporters voted Obama. So scram.

Can’t wait to see stories about armed white teachers shooting black kids for being ‘thugs’.

So, the general gist of this piece is spot on and the article is full of racist dog whistles. But, uh,

Krugman seems ok. The rest are poor writers who get dunked on so easily.
Zizek is open to doing columns-but he lightly critiqued #metoo for not punching up enough at capitalism as the cause of inequality. So he’s too left-but right wing morons like Brooks, Lott, Douthat and Stephens are A-OK?

Jesus, I feel so old seeing that couple hit 50.

They’re licensing it. Paramount sees profits. No way that’s the case.

Imagine thinking you’re qualified to be president after getting shook by a question from a hack morning show host.

She’s smarter than Trump but really just as morally vacuous.

They’re cheap to make otherwise, so a widely watched special might cost just 22 million after paying out the star.

Steve Bannon agrees!