
Ha! Hilarious, you're making yourself a very easy target with that retarded comment. First thing, Sony isn't the only ones that did this, Microsot did it twice. Second, with the PS4 you'll have the choice to update because you can be offline while the Xbox will force it. Hilarious...

Wait a minute, wasn't it supposed to be a FPS? What happened?

This is the kind of book kids have to read before they come posting stuff about games on the internet. It's incredible how many people know just the generation we have now/before and not more. I call it the Xbox generation.

Cats were gods before you were even born. We are superior.

No, I'm one of those. I don't like dogs.

Not necessary. Different ways of living your life and mutation (seriously) will already have enough influence. A clone will never be a real clone.

I'm not talking about when they're releasing it. We don't even know if they're working on it or if it will be a full game or just an episode like the others (which should only take 2 years). It's been what? 6 years now? We don't a single thing about the game.


You are right. The only division that will suffer seriously is the Xbox brand and gaming.

How's Naruto going? Is the story advancing or are they still dragging it along with endless side stories and unnecessary scenes? I stopped at epsiode 150 or something like that. (in the shippuden series)

If you have no idea what you just said you are a very poor soul. You should inform yourself about it on the internet and stop being a tool of corporations.

I hope they'll at least run 1080p native but I seriously doubt it.

Some people really don't know how to take pictures....

Wasn't it the high price of the 3DS they meant?

And people call the Wii U doomed... The same way the called the 3DS doomed....

Gamers have like the shortest memories of all people. Companies have to bring out a game a year otherwise they'll forget that a franchise exists.

There's something that bothers me. Don't take me the wrong way, I'm not judging yet because it might be really well done!

There is no problem if there are multiple games of the same franchise coming out. However these should all be different games and not the same but in a different setting.

Japanese always come after but end up doing better than the others. It never changed.

Yeah, you are right. There is a severe lack of brown, motion blur and lens flare. I hope they'll adopt that soon.