This is the real next gen. Not these new consoles.
This is the real next gen. Not these new consoles.
While it's true that boards have become too slow for chips I still dislike the idea of SOC. It's just not enough area to dissipate all that heat easily.
I love those reports. It shows just how "violence" oriented gaming is. I'm pretty sure that the biggest chunk of games somehow involve killing or death. If you'd simplify games to a very common goal most would be either "don't die" or "kill so you don't get killed".
Wow, that PCB is really small and it looks like not very powerful. This is like the most basic motherboard I ever saw. Also does anybody know how it's for the graphics chip? is it a SOPC or onboard?
Harcore gamer is a term kids under the age of 16 years use. It means that they think they're better than other gamers and that makes them some vip, but in reality they're just mediocre and play too much call of duty.
The name and marketing. You know, often marketing is used to sell something that is already part of the product. Like special toothpaste that prevents caries, as if it's not already the main purpose of toothpaste.
Will we have that feature for the Wii U too?
I know when it's time to give up. Some girls seem to be good but in reality they aren't.
It won't work. If it takes too long it will time-out.
Consoles are illegal in china. Also china doesn't buy console games. They buy consoles with 100 games on it already on the black market.
Never been in Russia I guess?
Poland, that's like right in between the US and Japan.
There are better girls out there. Just because one girl was good doesn't mean you won't find another one.
It's like the girl that left you the other day that comes back. The next day she leaves you again.
I still can't believe how many Microsoft apologists there are that try and turn any thing from another company in something negative. Like Sony giving the choice of DRM to the publishers (exactly what we already have with the PS3/xbox360!!!).
I love gaming, that's why I don't like the XBox one.
There is still a 100$ price difference and it also has more power.
I just hope it was "over soon" for them and they didn't suffer too much.