Cats of course. Dogs are dumb and dependent. Cats are antisocial, smart and independent. They can also climb trees and know how to use old nannies for food.
Cats of course. Dogs are dumb and dependent. Cats are antisocial, smart and independent. They can also climb trees and know how to use old nannies for food.
Arg yeah, prequel. You know what I mean.
I know some people that pronounce it "toy-sex". For their defence, they're germans.
It's called a déjà-vu. You didn't see it, it's just your brain that gives you the feeling that you saw it.
It's really hard to do a sequel to a game that is that high regarded as Deus Ex. Somehow Deus Ex HR did it and I can still not believe it. Normally it's the formula for a huge shitstorm when you do a sequel to a very deep game that's older than 10years old.
How about Xenobears? That sounds awesome doesn't it?
I did it too. In 240p and with all this lag I couldn't tell.
We don't even know the name of it, I'm not talking about the 3DS one, the Wii U one. But I agree with your general feeling that it looks just too normal and same.
I still have to play it on the 3DS for my final judgement but the art-style doesn't click for me. It looks like the zelda equivalent of "new super mario", it doesn't go well.
I have the feeling that that new Mario game is to the Wii U what Super Mario 3D was for the 3DS. A obligatory Mario game to push some units. I hope they'll put out another, real one soon.
like a new Zelda instead of a remake, or a brand new IP that looks incredible
Needs still Bayonetta! She's a Nintendo girl now
It looks better than the emulators because you have HDR in the new version.
Can you see into the future Owen? :P
It look too normal. I thought we'd get something special and innovative like Super Mario galaxy or sunshine.
It is, deal with it Erico>360<.
You also forgot to mention the death of Microsoft.
It will probably be something in-between Microsoft-bad and Sony-good. However, they could still surprise with a new Zelda or Metroid maybe?
Otherwise I wonder if you are either brainwashed or payed by EA or Moneysoft.
Nintendo always gets underestimated. Also, it's cool to hate Nintendo when you're younger than 18 years old.