
I have to say that Microsoft is in the right, not Sony. Companies know better what is good for you, that's why them having control over us is the best thing. We're better of following what they're telling us. Games belong to them so they should protect themselves from us, and that's why we only rent games.

Ok Sony, you have to stop now. Microsoft is dust, you can't grind them into something smaller than that.

Please go and read the difference between GDDR5 and DDR3 on the internet. And then come and post, what you'll probably not do any more.

If you want to get the girls you have to be an asshole. Don't look at me like that! It's not me that did the rules.

He's known to be trolling on these articles. He's a huge Microsoft apologist.

You have to mark your consoles someway.

The xbox has DDR3 and the PS4 has GDDR5 (not the G). DDR3 and GDDR5 are the same things except that GDDR5 sacrifices latency to get more bandwidth. It's not really right to say GDDR5 is better than DDR3.

I always said I'm afraid that they will, but I'm happy they are not. This is a really good move from them.

Good thing it's a first person game.

The design is really good because it's normal and logic. She's got the physique needed to do all that jumping. She has short hair because otherwise it would get in her way. Her clothes are sports clothes and go good for parkour. And she has a normal face, not some model.

Faith looks really good because she looks normal. Can't we have a normal character for once? I can't believe it how people rage because the protagonist isn't good looking enough. It's not like she's ugly or something.

See it positively like me! More time means they'll have time to finish a good game.

I also have the feeling that the Witcher 3 is the Skyrim that CD Projekt wants to do.

How so not??! It means that they'll invest time and not just push out some rubbish game.

What the hell has happened to EA

What? It's the truth. They created it so it belongs to them. All credit goes to them.

I thought they're having the same writers for Dragon Age 3.

I see what you did there....

MGSV is a multi-platform game that isn't even made by Microsoft. Don't give the credit to the wrong people. It's Kojima