
I have control over my PC. Xbox users don't have control over their console. My PC hasn't got a camera and microphone hooked up and streaming data to the NSA 24/7

Nerfnow is so right. Microsoft really dropped the ball with the XBox. I just hope for Sony they won't go the same route. But knowing them, and their DRM practices of the past, they'll be doing the same thing. Lucky there's PC gaming, not only is it better and more powerful but you are free to do what you want with

You can't, but there are people that don't get it. The same way as there are people that don't get it that FPS are better played with a mouse.

Sony CEO Kazuo Hirai has been one of the gaming industry's most .gif-able and meme-able public figures.

That's because normal mortals that use PC's for internet browsing have a phone or tablet now. I doubt it has any correlation with gaming.

People don't think long term. They a buy a console that is cheap now but have to spend 60$ a game. Those same games you can get on PC for less than 40$

I think PC gaming will gain a huge chunk over these next 5 years. Consoles don't offer anything more that would have an advantage over PC's. (Talking about the xbone and ps4 if it has DRM in the same way). Hardcore gaming will shift to PC.

Welcome in the club. I'm 24 and still have to show my ID to get something for over 16 year olds.

Why would a towel not help against infrared? Infrared is light too, we humans can just not see it.

You should be concerned. I am not american too and I think it affects us non-americans the most because we are not "protected" in the US.

Moooo MOoooo. How well does microsoft pay you? If it's by post I can see that you did a good job and you'll get a lot of money.

But I can't wait 24hours to play a game!

Is a internet connection required if you want to play this game on the xbox one?

Why did I read that with Jensens voice and have the feeling that the NSA is controlled by the illuminati.

Yeah right,

People, listen.

I hope people open their eyes and don't buy into this madness or we'll have a dark future coming.

"If the publisher enables it"

Could EA holding a patent for episodic content delivery be the reason why we're not getting Half Life 2: Episode 3?

Some of these patents show how broken the patent system is. While I understand the importance of protection of your ideas, many of those hinder evolution and innovation in gaming.