I'm still disappointed that we didn't get a disaster watch kind of logo for the XBox one PR mess Microsoft created. It must have been worse than the sim city backlash.
I'm still disappointed that we didn't get a disaster watch kind of logo for the XBox one PR mess Microsoft created. It must have been worse than the sim city backlash.
They call me troll, but how is this trolling? I'm giving out my opinion on a non-traditional art.
But are these really guns? Just because it looks like guns, feels like guns and smell like guns it doesn't mean that it's a gun.
I think it's more a case of phantasm
Are you saying that I'm not allowed to juggle guns like they do in westerns when I have a duel against some bad guy if I go to the police?
I never attacked any religion. I attack people that want to impose their religion on other people, may it be by hate or by violence.
It's too easy.
Who's winnie pooh?
But how would I have my fun then?
How could it be sarcasm? There haven't been any wars over a fictional book that was written 2000years ago.
I have to disagree.
Our world went on very well these last 2000 years even though we have weapons like arrows and guns, but nowadays with video games kids are much more violent. In the past nobody would kill anybody else over something fictional written in a book like people do now because it's in a game.
People always complain that consoles or PC's are too expensive, yet they'll shell out double for a tablet that plays nearly only mediocre games. Logic?
It seems clear as black and white for me? Doesn't it?
Being gay is against my religion so I think that nobody is allowed to be gay. If somebody should be gay it's oppression against the people of my religion.
Why is it cool to hate Nintendo?
I don't think so :(
I'm not using microsofts TV-box. There isn't any option on the ps3.
No you can't do it on the PS3.
I don't have a advertising-box.