Gravity Maguire

People, can we please shut down the idea that this diagnosis is a hoax? Trump is not Machiavelli - he’s a schoolyard bully, and the thing bullies fear above all else is showing any sort of weakness. At every turn, even before he was elected, Trump has lied, deflected and projected to avoid admitting to the slightest

I can’t imagine that anybody will pay any attention to the Guilfoyle or the Melania issues, after the bombshell virus diagnosis.

Admittedly, I’ve been actively trying to tune this whole sham of a process out...but I thought she was Catholic?

Everybody clear on where we are?

And we saw it four years ago... too lazy to look it up now (honestly, I tend to drink during presidential debates since 16 years ago), but in 2016 didn’t Trump sidestep condemnation of the KKK after they enthusiastically supported him on the eve of the Alabama Republican primary?

Everybody understands what we just saw here, right?

Not proud but that made me lol. Goddess bless that old man and his wife. I hope he’s ok. I could not watch that shit tonight b/c that would have been me too. 

The most telling part was how Trump fumbled through his non-answer. He knows he can’t outright denounce the racists. That’s his core. You could see the rusty gears in his head seize up trying to blurt out a response. So duh -“I want to see peace.” Yeah, right.

In case you guys weren’t paying attention, Trump told us straight up that he plans to steal the election, and how he’s going to do it. 

The main reason I don’t have children is because I never had any interest in having children, but I wonder how people can bring more children into this dreadful world. Polar bears will face reproduction failure in 20 years, and extinction before 2100, if things keep going the way they are (things won’t, they will get

400 million is about the same size as what he’s said to have inherited from his dad. I wouldn’t be surprised if his net worth (assets and all, not just his cash on hand) is completely in the red.

Brad Parscale was just admitted into the hospital about an hour ago after shutting himself in his house with a gun and threatened to harm himself. His wife bolted and called the police.

Obvs Ms. Vicki is making him do it for the purported beauty benefits of bee venom and royal jelly (merely bathing in the blood of virgin maidens can only do so much)!

Added to this: If Ross Douthat never happened, hw much lower would my blood pressure be?

I absolutely agree. I might have major issues with the Kardashians and Jenners in just about every aspect....but for this, my heart breaks for her and her kids. There is no amount of money, fame, doctors, treatment, medicine, etc in the world that makes Kim Kardashian feel any different than anyone else who is trying

I feel like Reiner has probably put a lot more of his money, mouth, and various other aspects of his life out there than many others.  He’s been fairly progressive career long, hasn’t he?

And unlike rich republicans, rich democrats tend to put their money where their mouths rob reiner has for his entire life.