Gravity Maguire

If you're sincerely "not familiar" with the Mormon Church's cover up of sex abuse, then you're committing far greater offense than Emily and every other critic of mass institutions that abuse our most vulnerable citizens.

They are remarkably unprofessional.  The way they announce people’s business-what their insurance status is, how much they owe, what the drug is-is bad enough, but at my local one the behind the counter area is just heaped with filled prescription bags all over, not in any order and they have to dig through them to

i used to be a retail pharmacist and, for a VERY short time, worked for cvs. something i learned from working retail - pbm’s are evil. what i learned from cvs - cvs is FUCKING EVIL and INCOMPETENT to the point of criminal negligence.

Daphne Zuniga, who you may remember from Melrose Place or One Tree Hill, Spaceballs

Let me guess, Nicki is more of a Warren fan?

More relevant to these gouls; if unmarried women aren’t supposed to be having sex, who are married men supposed to cheat on their wives with? Certainly they wouldn’t infringe on another man’s property by having an affair with a married woman! /s

Congratulations, you’re officially Ireland between the 1950’s and 90’s. Waiting on the foundation of USXtian Magdalene Laundries.

The VP of the US, Mike Pence to start with.

fellow atheist (for the same reason) and i, too, have been second guessing. more because i want hell to be a VERY real thing and him to burn in torment for all eternity but i see your point, so why not both.

exclusive utilitarian colorway

It wasn’t mentioned in the article but fairly sure it will be in the book, but one of the most revolutionary things about department stores was that it provided a place in town where a woman could use the bathroom. Prior to these retail spaces, “respectable women” would be limited in their time away from home due to

Large department stores in Europe were deliberately designed to be opulent palaces of consumerism to attract the New Money filtering down through the classes. Affordable luxury takes many faces. I love how society begrudgingly quits harassing women when said women are spending enough money.

To further this point, I think it was Brie Larson who has said that when she filmed one of her first scenes for Endgame, literally everything except her line was redacted in the script she got. 

THAT is a fucking great point I did not consider!! 

Is he wearing shoes??? Now I want a pet duck just so I can put shoes on it! 

Daniel is a good boy.

I wish to subscribe to your newsletter. You and I should be starting the first ever “not-watching” party. We can deprogram those who have been indoctrinated in the cult of “The Bachelor”.

“I have known Emperor Palpatine for many years, and while I supported and helped fund his efforts to construct a Death Star, I did not support his decision to blow up Alderaan”

I’m so angry I’m boycotting all gyms and I refuse to participate in any workouts anywhere at anytime! Good day!

Do You Even Lift Sanctions Bro??”