Gravity Maguire

Imma thinkin I could just start with this drawer in the kitchen and see how it goes . .

So much amazingness in that video:


Stunning! She's having such a moment right now, and I love it. I know not everyone likes her show (I do, with a few caveats), but she's an unabashedly smart, funny, talented WOC who's killing it all over the place and (seemingly) enjoying the hell out of it.

I think Khloe might make a good Little Edie...

This is perfect. My boyfriend of 4 years and I split last night, he moved out this morning. This fucking song was playing on every goddamn radio station ever today, and I just could not get on the Happy bandwagon.

As I get older, the more I believe in walking away from the first sign of abusive or toxic behaviour, in friendships and relationships. And I'd advise anyone not to get seriously invested in a relationship until you've had a chance to really know them, see how they deal with conflict, etc. There are just too many

Yeah, I felt weird announcing it anywhere because sometimes I don't know how much of myself I should give to the internet. But I did put up a kind of oblique post about it on my tumblr and then, IDK, I'm just really excited and happy and I feel pretty comfortable with my little afternoon Dirt Bag crowd, so, yeah.

Hate the "new" format. I usually read Jez on my phone and now have to GUESS what is the lede to Dirtbag as the categories no longer appear on the cover page.

This was my favorite advertising campaign ever. I don't even know what those things are (rotten chicken cutlets with a penchant for song?) but jesus tapdancing christ did they make me laugh until I cried.

They got a pepper bar!

I used to have a really big nose which I very much disliked, and ended up getting a nose job at the age of 19. My boyfriend (who I'm still dating) told me he didn't think I "NEEDED IT", but would support me anyway. Other friends blatantly told me I SHOULDN'T do it, and that SHOULD learn to love myself. "God made you

This is wonderful news! I love the idea of this clinic! I know a lot of us midwives/student midwives really wish we were allowed to provide medical abortions for our clients! We already offer well women's care, prenatal, birth, and post-partum services, why not abortions? Obviously I am not referring to surgical

Word. Bedazzled, animal prints or weird "arty" decoupaged looking shit with butterflies and parisian things on it. Like my goal is to look like a 70 year old chain smoking grandma from Boca. No thank you.

What is with the sparklies on the boobies???? Why must the plus-sized continuously be ***BEDAZZLED***? It's freaking bizarre.

I think (a) I'm giving 'em a free bed in London, so if they don't like the service, they can stick it up their bums gives you a free pass right there, but (b) if they're not the ones laundering the duvet cover, they have no right to call you a filthy bog beast.

It doesn't matter how nice the place is: Never put more than a third of your monthly income into your rent. If you can, try to keep it around a quarter.

My two cents: ALWAYS save rent receipts, especially if you pay in cash/cashier's check/money order. Save the receipt from the money order/cashier's check and always get a receipt from the landlord. Keep them for the entire time you live there.

Another important thing to remember is that your rights if your landlord is foreclosed upon vary from state to state. Also, even if your state law allows you to stay out to the end of your lease term if you are foreclosed upon, some banks may be willing to pay you an amount of cash that is generally more than the