Gravity Maguire

Accidentally dropping infants!

a lack of toilet paper

also shortage of coffee and wine

It is actually a fair comparison, because a sin is a sin, according to the Catholic church. Whether it is a divorce or having sex for pleasure. They aren't paying extra for birth control. They are paying the same amount for the coverage. They just don't want it included in the coverage. And aren't they financially

I read this article over the weekend, I was so confused by all her aliases and twists and turns in the story there were whole sections I had to reread. It is by far the weirdest article and craziest crime story I've ever read.

You can sit next to me, we can put the arm rest up and I will share my candy (I never fly without candy). As long as you help me aggressively force the people in front to keep their chairs straight. I never understood the reclining chair in such small space.

That broke my heart, Lindy, because I've been through the same thing so many times. Thank you for articulating the situation so perfectly.

That Boy Scout has an incredibly large bald spot.

The mere thought of the extra layer of trying to work things out makes me wince and puts my extremely childish cringe in perspective thanks ;) If i make it through the first meeting post making a twit of myself i'll be fine I've just currently regressed to about 16 and would like to hide under a rock for a while and

I've had a pretty terrible year and have (I think) understandably put on weight because Cap'n Crunch is my spirit animal and eating my feelings when my mom died or when I got double pneumonia from the eight-ball sized lump in my chest was easier than plastering a smile on and dazzling the world with a can-do attitude.

Why do I get the impression that this is a much better version than Katy's?

I call myself "pro-abortion". Because I think abortions should be free, legal and on demand.

This seems a good a place as any to quote Emma Thompson:

With a quick glance as I was scrolling down the page, I think she looks most like "the only dad she knows." After reading the copy, it is apparent that I am bad at this tabloid stuff.

I was so happy to have a voice in this yesterday that I pirouetted on the way out the door. The fucking pro-lifers were pretty rabid, and I grinned at them as I told them I voted against it. The spittle that flew was pretty satisfying.

I live in Albuquerque, and let me tell you, the ballot of this vote was a clusterfuck.

Fuck yeah we do! I voted at that site in the picture, Eisenhower Middle School, and I was by far the youngest person, like, two decades. All the people standing outside the school were old white hairs with anti-abortion signs, and half of those were standing in the median with huge "VOTE YES" signs. Fuck

Albuquerque really has the potential to surprise me, even after 15 years here. If there's one thing I can say about this town, we are shockingly progressive for a Catholic heavy area. Welcome to town! :-)

Don't sell NM short - they also have delicious (the best?) food. :)