Gravity Maguire

Payless, a drag queen’s best friend! Not a smack — Jackie Beat says so!

I am a woman (and a New Yorker, which may be relevant) and I interrupt A LOT. I need to watch, though, whether I do it more to women than to men.

You are definitely missing out if you haven’t worked They Might be Giants into your baby’s repertoire. They have kid songs, but even their adult songs are delightful for the wee.

Burgled. The word is burgled. Not robbed.

IMO, they needed to rehearse this possibility, not just talk about it. And they needed approved scripts that they rehearsed too. Yes, they screwed up, but so did PWC, for not taking their contingency planning all the way. The Academy should require these rehearsals before each show.

Don’t do that to her, though. We need all the lawyers we can get right now.

Grammar stickler here: You have a misplaced modifier. Your first sentence states that the thieves were out of town at the time of the burglary, not that Nikki was.

Why not? She’s a yo-yo dieter (says another yo-yo dieter). She has looked like this around the face, etc., before.

Get a stationary mouse! They’re the best!

Get a stationary mouse! They’re the best!

My sense, from the few photos I’ve seen, is that one is not asked to pose, one just goes ahead and poses, and they pick from what they’ve got. In other words, seize the initiative!

I would vote for her in a heartbeat.

What an interesting question!

Climate change. We truly don’t have time for this shit. (Not your shit, Trump and the Republicans’ shit).

I tell myself that regular pedicures mean that I don’t have to.

File for bankruptcy. Do it pre-divorce if you’re feeling generous, post-divorce if you want to screw him over. Your credit will recover faster than you’d think.


A few things are not right in your reporting:

I do the same thing! It’s not paranoid, it’s totally normal. Of course, my tape is this cute patterned Japanese craft tape. Zuck needs to upgrade.

And often, according to my local PD, when they break in while you’re not home, they’re looking to burgle your guns. So by all means, do make it worth their while.

I have a friend who tried both castor oil and a non-prescription thing (I can’t remember what it was called) and neither worked.