Gravity Maguire

Whatever happened to the rumor about Tom Cruise having a tunnel from his house, leading to his boyfriend's house next door? That was a big one in Hollywood for quite some time (mid-90s?). Now, of course, I wonder if it was Miscavige they were talking about. But back then the rumor was a stunt man or something?


Oh no — Cumberbatch is too old for Hamlet. Also, the best Hamlet ever was Ben Whishaw. EVER.

Also: A good landlord wants to know as soon as a leak starts, the dishwasher breaks, etc. Help them help you — they want to prevent further damage to the home and you want a working bathroom. Win-win!

Longtime landlord, landlord's agent, and now attorney working in this area: That tenants' rights book is GOLD. We hand a copy to every tenant, because IMO an informed tenant is more likely to be a good tenant.

Where are the Fred Harvey hotels? The Alvarado, in Albuquerque, was a terrible loss.

Wait — you guys know that this ad campaign is co-created by Gawker, right? You don't need to tell Burt — her bloggerly overlords have already done so.

We'll be discussing this story on New Mexico PBS Friday night (New Mexico In Focus — don't miss it!) but only to ridicule everyone involved.

These Target thongs in xl are the best and stretch to fit larger (meaning plus) sizes. Look for the Gillian O'Malley brand, sold in 3-packs on a little hanger, that have no elastic tape along the legs or top.

The maternity clothing is actually cute, stylish, well-proportioned. The plus sizes are all jersey sacks. I own more Target maternity clothing than Target anything else-clothing. It's ridiculous. But really, isn't this a problem everywhere? On a recent trip to Paris I pretty much wiped out the maternity section at the

It grosses me out (and I know, I know — Citizens United, bleargh) to hear about organizations having rights. People have rights. And Catholics should have the right to use or not use contraception, as their consciences dictate. But an employer should not have the ability to say that his or her individual religious

No, no. The Constitution grants you the right to believe as you wish, but not necessarily to act on that belief. There's an important distinction there. So members of the Church are welcome to believe that contraception is a sin, but it remains to be seen whether the Church can act to prevent its employees from

I thought, when I saw the ad, that the use of the song meant that the Beasties liked the product. Because those guys are smart and seem like they'd be on top of their licensing and would give something like this the thumbs up within the context of an appropriately negotiated licensing arrangement. In other words, a

Eeek! I missed this until now and I'm not sure who else has seen it. How do we organize this sort of thing through Kinja?

Phone banking against this thing was the BEST. Every once in a while I'd get through to an older voter who was just so passionate about how her granddaughters were gonna keep the right to an abortion no matter what. Those ladies were the greatest.

I totally did not know that about VB Price. How did I not know that?

We need to all meet up! It's a moral imperative! Either that or we all already know each other and it will be weird but fun to figure that out. Good either way!

Can we please totally do this? I'd be so in. And this feels like a good time for it.

Never, ever, ever, EVER work for former professional dancers who now run their own nonprofit, staffed largely by former professional dancers, and paid for by their much older, mega-rich husbands. I'm just saying, it won't go well.