Gravity Maguire

Darren White is right now — at this moment! — embroiled in this big scandal in which he whisked his wife away from her one-car accident before DWI testing could be performed (and by DWI, the "influence" was maybe drugs). He's not the Sheriff anymore, nor is he Albuquerque's public safety czar — he was just, uh,

Only four years, really? Four years on the job isn't exactly something I'd be all highlighting in my campaign for president. You've gotta get into the double digits to be claiming that as your career.

@fauxfruit: I've been through it, as have many of my friends. The treatment is really effective and then they check you on a more-frequent schedule for a while. I think of it as like having a funny mole — they remove it, check it every once in a while, but you're totally okay.

It's been a cliche since, like, every Judge Reinhold movie ever made.

I have to say: I'm way less worried about the man's johnson than I am about his politics. By which I mean, I'd like to see him stay in office. As hard as I imagine it will be to resist the pressure to step aside.

The Timberlake comment is so classic: There's nothing like being dumped for lack of commitment and unwillingness to settle down to make a man think he should commit to settling down. How do I know this? Marketing research tells me so: []

Agreed. But without the whole 500-year-old lack of concern for the unborn, the recently born, etc. The idea of children as fully realized humans (and not just small creatures with a low chance of actual survival, either in or out of the womb) is fairly recent, no? I mean, some cultures didn't even name kids until

Maybe he received it four years ago?

edit for duplicate

Ah yes — I agree about the transoceanic flight thing. Then again, I find normal seating on those flights to be pretty much a nightmare regardless (I researched for days before choosing Korean Air last time I went to Asia, and the leg room was still bad). If only I could afford the upgrade! But even then, it seems

Why do I think that the only reason Zsa Zsa's on life support forever is because that horror show, her husband, gets nothing in the will. I thought the same when he threatened to — what was it? — either adopt or genetically engineer a baby with her?

I have no problem sitting next to heavier customers and honestly couldn't care less if they take up part of my seat too. Have you ever sat on a subway? I've long since given up on the idea that I get "personal space" on any sort of mass transit, airplanes included. With that in mind, I can choose to be a decent human

I suppose it's possible that the 15% were at a disadvantage, what with the pollsters not including a definition of "blind" as the lead-in to the question.

Also, not always a grueling decision. Sometimes it's just a relief to have that option.

Sometimes I worry that my Easter outfit is insufficiently formal or too short or too tight, etc. If this is what the royals are wearing, I'm guessing I'm doing just fine.

Forget what's-his-face! Guys like that are hardly new news. I'm interested in the cougar piece!