
Will wait for sales, woot!

He wants to use a Sub-Account, which is tied to his primary account, which has the content tied to it. To me, this should be allowed but also count as 1 of his allowed VITA's from a DRM perspective. The benefit of this is that both accounts would be logged in at once and be allowed all the online / multiplayer

Complete season, episode 1-5, via Green Man Gaming is 13.50 (17.99 + JRPGX-YRCP2-7BWHI code for additional 25% off)!

The Xterminator Gamepad from Advanced Gravis was released prior to N64 release...

You have access to whatever games you bought previous, taking into account platform compatibility of course. This is a PS Vita without the screen, and counts towards the total of 3 VITA (class) devices you are allowed per account (for DRM purposes).

You don't have to re-purchase anything, as the PS TV is just a PS Vita w/o screen. It just counts as another Vita platform with regards to the current DRM limit of 3 Vita devices and subject to PS TV compatibility.

Sony has said they are working on a subscription plan for PS Now. That is what I am waiting for as well.

I would argue that it isn't realistic because they would be using COM systems, not just yelling to each other without any tech to assist.

NVM, conclusion reached

The reason why they would want to do this versus adding it to the PS Now service is simple. Resources! It is more efficient (and perhaps profitable too) to have you pay them to run content on YOUR machine. Why waste a PS3 "machine" / "instance" to emulate something instead of reserving it to handle PS3 content as

Latest album, Hot Cakes, kicks major butt too, love it, love them, seen them live, awesome!

Technically, you just stated 2 categories, since Remote Play is mentioned twice and ultimately remote play could cannibalize native VITA games, especially if Remote Play starts getting better and more robust.

The only way to explain the issue Kotaku has seen is that they are not connecting via the router, but via Direct Wi-Fi, as it has similar results to what happens with the Wii-U.

Razor keyboard is actually $229 if you select Premier Audio Video as the seller, they have free shipping too!

Just glad they announced a 64GB Memory Card, I think it was ~$100 as well if I recall correctly.

Yes, because these are not Steam, they use their own DRM system, so all is good :)

Great idea, that made it work for me as well. Just changed the country to UK, left the rest of the address the same, bingo. Huge thanx!

Has anyone got the GetGames ubisoft bundle deal to work? I get as far as selecting payment method and then it complains:

@ MrGrimord That sounds like something an Xbox Fanboy™ would say :). I am neither, I own both today, and will own both next-gen come launches.

Worth: $8,548.73