
Bleah. Of all the overwrought, tortuous reimaginings.

This thing screams “I’m a 2-series with a body kit!!!”

Looks like a 2-Series with a really shitty body kit.

It’s a really shitty (rimshot) situation.

People and athletes will have to stop watching, attending, and participating for there to be any change; otherwise, money talks louder than public health concerns.

I like the plans better where they divide up the Olympics. Kill the expensive opening ceremony. Have all the track in one place and the swimming in another. That kind of thing. Use university dorms. Etc.

I’d suggest a person isn’t your friend — and you aren’t theirs — if you aren’t comfortable just saying, “Shit man, I’m kinda broke right now so I can’t really offer for you to drink $20 worth of beer when you come over,” to each other.

You mean Fecalrama?

This is just horrible. Especially for the marathon swimmers and triathletes. I’m training for the 12.5 mile Swim Around Key West (just a few more weeks!!) and I’ve competed in the Lowcountry Splash in Charleston, SC for the last two years. Every outdoor race I’ve ever done involves tons of swallowing water. You accept

The summer Olympics are literally going to be a shit show. I’m not sure even the World Cup being held in Qatar is worse.

This is ridiculous. Small local triathlons are required to prove the safety of the water before races and will cancel the race or the swim portion if the water isn’t safe. But, hey, let’s skip that step for the Olympics, no big whoop.

I can’t see how any athlete would want to go anywhere near that water, especially when:

A picture of a fish caught in the Rio

Yup, that’s her. She’s horrible. I read XOJane daily and she hadn’t written an article in almost a year so I hoped she was gone. No such luck.

“I sold my friend the drugs she used to overdose, and I went to prison, but I learned *sooo* much about myself in the process ❤️”

Sounds like a lazy, shitty version of buzzfeed.

oh yuck. What a disgusting person.

I’m just wondering if it’s this Amanda Lauren. If it is, then the article makes a lot more sense.

Holy shit yes. I hadn’t been by the site in about three or four years, and a couple weeks ago I found myself there and was just appalled. It’s all horrific click-bait headlines from awful people telling awful stories about awful things.

“judgmental, self-absorbed, and unreflective,” should be xoJane’s tagline.