Wow. The exploding house video went better than this did.
Wow. The exploding house video went better than this did.
You tell them that your friend wanted to do a study on exploding houses for SCIENCE
Hack - "to write computer programs for enjoyment" Merriam-Webster
Stop being such a pedant, especially if you're going to be an inaccurate pedant.
Yeah! Play their game and don't pay them! What a hero. You're totally not a bad person.
Just finished a day visiting clients on the south side of a large Texas city and I can assure you, the Hyundai is not the Car of Texas. It appears as though Donks with bad paint, big stereos and guys with picks in their hair driving is the Car of Texas.
they weird me out nearly as much as 17 year old mothers.
Or you could just, ya know, pay for the things you want. Or just go on being a cancer to content creators everywhere. Whatever.
Who is really going to argue that the PS3 is superior to the PS4?
Because all minority men walk around with their pants sagging, wear baggy shorts and cutoff shirts, or track suits - amirite?
Would it have been so hard to just cut that part out? It's just foreskin after all.
How do you know they didn't think to add them? Were you on the development team? After deciding to reverse the original policies due to the backlash, it's not surprising that certain, "obvious", features were set aside for the moment and are only now being added.
The campaign isn't terrible, but I realized something while playing it. I was rushing through the battlefield, fighting off waves of soldiers and giant robots alongside my allies. All the while there's a screen in the corner of my HUD where a person or two are arguing back and forth about something. One guy is…
Titanfall in one word: FUN.
Remember when Kotaku wasn't full of lame ass fanboys? Pepperidge Farm does.
Nobody actually cares.
Ah, Faendal. Show me what you know of Archery. As thanks, let me carry all those gold coins I just gave you.
Have you ever actually said the word hallucination out loud? How could you possibly think that's how it's spelled?
A decade ago? So... it's from the 90s, right?