
Agreed. The main disservice to her is that 80s hair, which did no one any favours, young or mature. But even her outfit has this va-va-voom that some 20-something channeling Linda Evans could appreciate.

Was so glad to see this Suzanne Sugarbaker-esque rebuttal to that meme.

Yeah, but you know how sometimes white women like to make it all about them, especially when it helps them file copy.

It is exhausting.

And her writing is atrocious

I don’t get Jennifer Weiner’s point at all. Pretty much everyone is hotter now than they would have been at the same age in earlier decades. My mom, at 67, looks better than Blanche did. We wear sunscreen now, and don’t settle for old lady hair cuts at 45 anymore.

Her bosom was always dewy with anticipation of a new conquest! was no one really listening to her? she never spent the night alone!

What I’m taking from this is that you, Tracy, are doing a much better job of cultural commentary than Jennifer Weiner is doing. I’m 54. I’m ambivalent about my own place in the hierarchy of sexual objectification, because while I absolutely understand, and feel, the deep problems of objectifying women’s bodies, and

I saw that meme floating around too

Jennifer Weiner needs to get the fuck over herself. J Lo is not having a rockin’ bod at her.

Jennifer Weiner has been living off this same exhaustingly self-absorbed, back-handed complimenting, How Do I Make This About Me? schtick for 20+ years.

I’m confused: a big part of JLo’s job is to be incredibly hot. Her body is exceptional because she works incredibly hard to make it so—-it’s not impossible, just very hard. People do very hard things all the time when they have incentives to do so. I mean, folks are aware that she is a professional performer and

Death, taxes, and trolls.

Yep.  “People DIED for that flag and your rights, how DARE you... actually exercise those rights?”  *head asplode*

I love how the ‘stand for your flag, people died for it’ group of assholes are the same ones that are enthusiastic about sending other people’s children to die for control over someone else’s oil or other resource. Weird how few millionaires kids you meet when shooting the breeze with other folks in uniform... [/s]

Or the assclowns wearing shorts or a shirt or a hat with an american flag, and yelling at Kaep for disrespecting the flag, even though that’s in no way what he is protesting.

Yes, yes...the critics are correct. They should have been acting appropriately like the True Patriot who *checks notes* was using his/her camera during the national anthem to record some crowd shots...

Yeah, that was... Jesus Christ. They had warned about Monica’s dark side, I don’t remember the name for it, in the previous episode, but even then I couldn’t imagine it would go to those lenghts. And not only that, but by having the stunter do that, she was actively putting the other athletes involved in danger as

I’m obsessed with this show, but watching Monica force a stunter with a back injury to hold up stunts over and over as punishment for injuring himself while cheering with another team made me sick to my stomach.