
Eh the show is totally faked so anything of value was already planted

And when your building goes co-op and you only have $400 in your checking account for a down payment, you can get mad at your best friend for not selling her wedding ring and giving you the cash.

Don’t forget that you can be a sporadically employed actor and live in New York as long as your roommate’s name is Chandler Bing...

No one in their right mind would tell a thrift shop owner that their stuff was underpriced if they wanted to repeat the feat again.

It’s both the American Way and the American Dream in action. Find a need, fill it, get money.

Are we supposed to look up to a speculator who makes a living reselling clothes and not generating anything of value? Is wealth alone a measure of one’s validity and worth? Why is it admirable to con people out of money? Seems pretty cynical.

Your step-MIL is not the person who’s coming across as toxic here.

Minimize the time you spend with her but be kind when you’re together. When she’s dead you’ll regret the times you were unkind, never the times you were kind. I speak from a certain amount of experience.

Jeez. I feel bad for your husband’s stepmother. My advice is to try and be a little kinder.

Maybe remind her calls for a revolution are easy when her kids won’t be the ones dying in the streets.

A mate of my husband’s got his blood type tattooed on his upper arm (they were in the army). As it turns out, he was incorrect about his own blood type.

“I disagree with your existence, but can’t we be friends?”

One of the most exhausting and frustrating things in the whole entire world is a privileged white person with oppressive political views getting bent out of shape because someone reasonably makes the logical connection from those political views to personal beliefs and calls her out on it.

“And remember, Junior, if the teacher forgets to assign homework, make sure you point that out before your classmates clear out.”

“Well, I’m sorry if you just can’t handle a fan of sport making sure the rules are followed, good sir.”, the dickbag says, just before calling the HOA about those infernal children selling their damned lemonade down the street.

There were a million ways this could have gone horribly, horribly wrong but I still think it’s hilarious.

My husband tries to trick me like ‘oh no! I forgot the milk!’ Or ‘I didn’t know you wanted take out too!’ But he’s a terrible liar and not only (always) keeps the milk or take out awkwardly behind his back for the ‘aha!’ reveal, he also has a really hard time not smiling or giggling.

YES I’ve finished it and there’s so much to unpack and none of my friends have finished it and PLEASE pay attention to the lineage story at the very end.


Also TOTALLY off topic but can we please have a post that discusses the S Town podcast because I need that in my life.