
I didn’t think it was possible but 55 hour husband Jason Alexander is even better than fake Joey Fatone. Kudos to cousins boyfriend!

He should be so lucky.

That makes Hiddleswift look legit.

Omg please tell me he is playing fake Joey Fatone because that would be glorious.

Omg I’m watching this. Why? Totally outing myself, but who cares? My cousin’s boyfriend is IN IT. He is in this lifetime biopic. I always wondered who was in these things. Now I know. People’s cousin’s boyfriends.

The original Mother, May I Sleep with Danger? is a work of ART. The remake can die in the dumpster fire that is 2016.

That girl doesn’t look like anybody. Hell, she doesn’t even look like herself, she’s that blank.

Wasn’t he always?

I look more like Britney than this chick.

Why is Fake Joey Fatone 15 years older than the rest of Fake *NSync?

Oh man now I’m off to google this hot tip.

There’s no walking involved. She floats on our dreams.

I can’t tell if this is real or parody but... when it comes to McConaughey, those tend to sound the same so... *starred*

He’s not a great singer but I love him anyway

No. Love is an Open Door.

“How Far I’ll Go” doesn’t really stick in your head the way “Let It Go” does. The Moana song that actually stuck in my head - and which is my favorite from the movie - is “We Know The Way”.

An Oscar for Lin-Manuel Miranda?

“Back for an unprecedented second nomination, it is both my honor, my privelege, and my pleasure to present the always-incomparable Adele Dazeem.”

Actually, this would be pretty awesome, and they should just have him re-introduce Adele Dazeem every year.

I have a 9-year-old girl. I had to give her my Spotify login to satisfy her yen to hear this song over. and. over. again. So in my particular household, it’s a bigger hit than “Let It Go” and approaching “Roar” or “Fight Song” levels of ubiquity.