
Look at John D. Rockefeller over here bragging about his bottles.

In way less exciting news, it looks like Greg (Santino Fontana) is gonefrom Crazy Ex-Girlfriend for good.

Either way, I hope he’s miserable for every second of his presidency, even while he’s sleeping.

Blame the FBI then. Someone wanted Trump to win.

And yet he still manages grace and dignity. Obama will be remembered as truly incredible.

Now playing

It is what is necessary for a successful transfer of power. No need to cut off our nose to spite our face.

Look at this. The putrid spent Halloween candle can’t even look Obama in the eye. Like a dog that knows he’s fucked up when his owner comes back home.

I’m picturing Trump intently listening to School House Rock

So what you are telling me is that I, someone who watched all of “The West Wing,” is better prepared to be president than someone who actually was elected to the post? . . . actually, considering whose involved that sounds about right. Someone get a DVD box set STAT!

Give comfort to citizens in times of trouble; i.e. listen to their sorrows, commiserate, and *gasp* hug them.

He doesn’t bully and bluster with people who are stronger and smarter than he is—he rolls over like a little, shabby orange puppy with premature dementia. Or, to put it in language Trump himself might understand, he’s a pussy. He only hurts people when other people are holding them down and he can sucker-punch them

That face you make when you realize you’re more qualified to be President than the man who just won the election.

Stop tweeting like a vengeful 13 year old boy.

As soon as Clinton and Obama reached out to Trump, his manic desire to be loved by everyone immediately kicked into gear and he began walking back many of his previous positions- on deportations, on the prosecution of Bill and Hillary, and on his language concerning undocumented immigrants who haven’t committed

Be diplomatic with potential adversaries. He can’t bully and bluster his way through.

Learn how a bill becomes a law.