
Why does a baby need two nannies? What does the mom do? We’re talking about Jessica Biel here, she’s not super busy.

Rest in Peace, may a giant pool of noodles be waiting for you.

Her and Steve Buscemi are the main reasons why I watch that movie..and “George” and John Lovitts..

I think The Wedding Singer is a pretty solid romcom overall!

I don’t think it’s to make herself more “girly”... rather, this is so she becomes completely “faerie-like”. Do note that faerie-folk would more likely than not have that much patience with numbery-things and all that silly mortal stuff, what with all that magic in their hands.

Four years for rape and kidnapping.

I have hired these faeries! I was working for a non-profit, and we had a HUGE Easter Egg hunt/party as a fundraiser, and we had six faeries from this company come. I cannot put into words how amazing they are. When I first worked with them, I was skeptical, but they are mesmerizing: they suck in kids and adults, and

Honestly, I’ve seen male friends do this on their resumes, too. I have one friend who replaced four years of college with four years of trying to get his band off the ground. He didn’t think college on his resume would get him the job in question.

Nah, she’s a smart faerie who can code, but who is also wily enough to know when other people aren’t interested in hearing the details.

This was a really interesting slice of life. I have a friend who is quitting her high position at a tech job to become a full time (mostly) independent performer. She is more oriented towards clowns and creepy things, but I definitely want to pass along this story to her as a way to show encouragement and support.

The Avett brothers can keep on the sunny side...of my pants.

Middle-aged women who enjoy chiseled abs, strong jaws, silky hair and sexy smiles don’t mind this movie either, by the way.

It is made for the geeks that are scared they will have their first heart attack before we finally get to see Thanos on screen for any longer than a fleeting cameo (2019 or 2020).

Cocaine has not been kind to Robin Thicke’s face. He looks older than 38.

When poors do it it’s called “cuddling to share warmth”

i wonder what it’s like to be perfect like jwill

It says the kiss occurred in Wellesley, home of the famous “Scream Tunnel.” The ladies of Wellesley College line up and ENCOURAGE you to give them a kiss (so I assume the lady was there with her daughter). You have to go out of your way to get a smooch, running over to the gals behind the fence barricade. Last year I

Was it this guy?: