
So Harley Quinn is wacky enough not to wear pants but not wacky enough not to wear heels because the male gaze can only take so much?

For some reason that is really upsetting me. Jesus Christ, you can’t even give her a pair of leggings or something? She looks like she’s standing there in a pair of panties.

Prince was there too, you say?

Wake me up if they named her Cersei!

Everyone is drink!

My moral compass was right where it should have been. He was lying to me too.

What kind of gall does it take to ask the person you’re breaking up with to not date specific people? I would have had a gang bang with all three of them. I like your plan too, though.

I’m a wife and I would want to know. I don’t care if the motivations are revenge or remorse, I would want to know. Want to know why? Because being in the dark about it while being played for a fool is way worse than the pain of knowing. I could be exposed to diseases, a stalker girlfriend who could hurt me or my kids,

“My family has expectations for my wife” sounds like the shit Warner said to Elle in Legally Blonde. Please tell me this guy was as stupid too.

I am also drink.

You sound like someone I worked with. I'm drink.

Eh, I’m starting to get over it, but for a while it was like instant trigger-temper around those accents. Now it’s more like “why did you put an ‘r’ at the end of that word, THERE IS NO ‘R’ IN BANANA”

Maybe it’s his stuff. You know, like his toothbrush, flip flops, Maroon 5 CD, and half a bottle of Bed Head.

I once was in a relationship with this Yorkshire transplant who charmed me senseless, but he turned out to be way less charming and dumped me without even wanting to tell me why. Double whammy: I moved in with his dumb ass and he kicked me out with no place to go besides my mom’s. I banned everything even remotely

And one more when I’m considering walking back over, AND THEN I DID.

This Pissing Contest is making me feel super lame because I have no good stories, just your garden variety sleeping around and making bad decisions and crying a lot.

Your mom. Yes. I mean, no, slashing tires is bad, but yes. So much yes.

i can’t be the only kid who grew up with parents who had a chest freezer & RARELY cleaned it out... when they did some reshuffling I guarantee I ate meat at least this old. AND I AM STRONG LIKE OX.

After that much time, whatever fat the meat had was certainly oxidized. (aka rancid) Rancid fat isn’t harmful per se, just has an odor that makes you want to vomit.

I want to think it is something silly like she picked up a pair of shoes that he left at the shoe repair shop or something... but they probably have people for that.