
She did a great bitch face.

...the person who wrote that list HAS to be a troll. right? it’s the only thing i can think of to keep my head from exploding.

I'm more worried about the kids to be honest. I think her friends are loOong gone. It's the way she talks about the kids that worries me. She's making practically no effort to conceal her resentment, anger, desperation, & unhappiness. She can't take it out on the kids (as much as she clearly wants to) so she takes it

I almost feel bad for her though. She is clearly driving herself into a complete mental breakdown any day now, and she will have absolutely no friends left around her when it happens. Her poor kids.

I'm sorry. I just had to know I wasn't alone in being horribly offended by every word that came out of her mouth like so many vile turds. I just HAD to know it wasn't just me.

I read Knight’s book, the 3 women were each held in separate rooms. Sometimes they interacted, but it’s not like they were all locked in the basement together. Captor Castro also pitted them against each other, so that didn’t help. It’s not like they were a team that broke up after they were freed.

As Manny on Modern Family said, there are lots of things that don’t kill you that leave you weaker. Like his friend’s grandfather who had a heart attack and now needs a machine to help him breath.

Or maybe Michelle Knight needs distance from them in order to cope/heal/go on. Could be as simple as that.

First thing I thought of too. We are horrible people.

They alive, damn it!

uhhhh no. Last straw for who? Perhaps I have high expectations for people, but I would expect EVERYONE in my life to react non-violently to a drunk person trying to hit them. So if I expect everyone in my life to use their better judgment and not slam people’s faces into the ground, I CERTAINLY expect police officers

If the guy can’t control his temper or subdue a drunk woman without smashing her face in he has no business in that job.

“Yeah, you might want medical.”


Watching this reminded me of this passage from Lena Dunham’s book: “My friend Jenni calls them Sunshine Stealers. Men who have been at it a little too long, who are tired of the ride but can’t get off. They’re looking for some new form of energy, of approval. It’s linked with sex, but it’s not the same. What they want

I used to refer to it as being like that logic puzzle. ‘You’re beautiful but you don’t know that you’re beautiful and not knowing that you’re beautiful is what makes you beautiful so presumably me singing that you’re beautiful will let you know that you’re beautiful and then you won’t be beautiful any more and then

I may be alone here, but I was TORTURED by the impossible logical loop of “You Don’t Know You’re Beautiful”. Like, it was a real problem for me. Not even the fucked up message, but the Escher-like way it doubles back on itself.

Last night my glass of chardonnay was like “This is a stunning critique of both the boy band industrial complex and the experience of living under the male gaze” and I was like “you make a really good point chardonnay, let’s open another pack of pizelles”.